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Berlin Stock Exchange (XBER)

Berlin Stock Exchange (XBER)

The Berlin Stock Exchange (XBER): An Overview

The Berlin Stock Exchange (XBER), otherwise called the B\u00f6rse Berlin, is perhaps of the most established stock exchange in Germany, established in 1685. It works two trading systems, Xontro and Equiduct.

International investors utilize the XBER to trade in stocks, bonds, certificates, warrants, public funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and exchange-traded commodities (ETCs).

Trading begins at 8 a.m. furthermore, works until 8 p.m. Berlin time.

Trades are directed in euros.

The Berlin Stock Exchange in Depth

The Berlin Stock Exchange has strong international leanings and claims to list the stocks of 15,000 companies from 82 nations. Most NASDAQ stocks are listed on XBER, as are major companies situated in China and South Africa. Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are traded too.

Notwithstanding stock shares, the exchange records foreign and domestic bonds. It is the main exchange listing a few bonds issued by the German Federation and its voting demographics.

The Berlin Stock Exchange works two distinct marketplaces, one traditional and the second electronic:

  • Xontro is the trading and settlement system for XBER and any remaining floor exchanges in Germany. It is the traditional trading system for the Berlin Exchange.
  • ETS, operating under the brand name Equidict Systems Ltd., is the electronic trading platform and is responsible for XBER operations, maintenance, and future development of the exchange's trading system.

Outstanding Dates in XBER History

Dating from the seventeenth century, the German Stock Exchange was one of the world's most important stock exchanges, alongside those in London and New York. Trading was ended all through World War I. The stock exchange building was annihilated during World War II. Another headquarters for the exchange opened in 1955.

The present exchange has global desires, with stocks and bonds from numerous nations drawing in an international investing clientele.

1685: XBER is established through a declaration of Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, as a place for the city's societies of chandlers and dressmakers to carry on with work.

1739: The main conventional trading session happens.

1840: Railway shares are quoted interestingly. Banking and mining stocks follow throughout the next eight years. The beginning of the Industrial Age has super-charged the German economy.

May 13, 1927

The date of the German Stock Exchange's "Black Friday."

1912: A metal exchange is added for trading in copper, zinc, lead, aluminum, and antimony.

1916-1918: The exchange is ended due to World War I.

1927: On May 13, the stock market breakdowns. The country's colossal trade imbalance and economic policy slips up are to a great extent accused. The event will stand out forever as Germany's Black Friday.

1931: Trading go on through the early long periods of the Great Depression, albeit a banking crisis powers two shutdowns enduring several months during the year.

1933-1945: With the Nazis solidly in power in Germany, different government mediations cripple the operation of the stock exchange. Jewish traders are prohibited. Share prices are fixed by government fiat. The exchange limps on through the war, until 1945.

1945: The exchange building is obliterated by the Allied bombarding on Feb. 3, 1945.

1950: Trading resumes in brief quarters.

1955: another exchange building is dedicated.

1974: The exchange is enhanced with new computer technology. Transactions start to be handled electronically and afterward, in the mid 1980s, carefully.

1987: The Regulated Market and the Open Market are laid out as separate market portions. This facilitates limitations on participation in the exchange.

1992: XBER starts to utilize the Xontro trading system.

1996: another exchange building is opened on Berlin's Fasanenstrasse.

1997: XBER lays out its internet presence.

2009: The Equiduct system is sent off.


  • Trading is in euros.
  • The Berlin Stock Exchange, or B\u00f6rse Berlin, is perhaps of Germany's most established market, established in 1685.
  • Numerous international equities, as well as German stocks and bonds, are bought and sold at B\u00f6rse Berlin.