Investor's wiki



What Is Apportionment?

Apportionment applies to numerous unique situations. Where insurance is concerned, an apportionment is the allocation of a loss between all of the insurance companies that safeguard a piece of property. This allocation is utilized to decide the percentage of liability held by every insurer.

For instance, three insurers that each cover $60,000 on a $120,000 property are apportioned half of the claim on the off chance that the property is obliterated. Apportionment can likewise apply to real estate, [workers' compensation](/laborers compensation), or the distribution of financial benefits.

Figuring out Apportionment

Apportionments most frequently apply to circumstances of "other" or "twofold" insurance, where [two or more insurance policies](/simultaneous insurance) are taken out with a similar insured party, on a similar interest, on a similar subject, against similar risks. Apportionments are most frequently defined in an apportionment or "other insurance" clause, which is normally important for the related insurance policy.

An apportionment clause is a common provision found in both property and liability insurance policies. An apportionment clause recommends the method for deciding an insurer's portion of liability for loss where a property is covered by more than one insurance policy. Insurance proceeds are distributed by this provision in proportion to the total coverage.

These provisions fluctuate: a few policies provide no coverage when other insurance is in place, some pay a pro-rata share, and others apply in case of excess losses not covered by the primary insurance policy. Apportionment clauses are expected to consent to the principle of indemnity, which states that an insured shouldn't profit from an insured loss.

Apportionment in Workers' Compensation

On account of laborers' compensation insurance, apportionment could allude to the division of liability for an occupational illness among employers. For instance, assuming an employee becomes sick, more than one employer could have contributed to the work conditions that caused the employee's illness.

Apportionment in Real Estate

"Apportionment" has an alternate importance in real estate. It normally alludes to the allocation of property expenses, like maintenance, insurance, and taxes, between the buyer and seller at the hour of a transaction that includes a piece of real estate.

Buyers and sellers will typically apportion real estate taxes and other maintenance expenses for the month in which a real estate transaction happens. This is finished to guarantee that the portion of property taxes procured by the neighborhood government prior to shutting, however not yet paid in light of the fact that it isn't yet due, will be paid by the seller as a credit against the purchase price.

At the point when the property tax bill is subsequently received by the buyer, the buyer will pay the whole bill in full, having proactively received the equivalent reimbursement through the credit at shutting.

In another real estate-related scenario, apportionment can likewise depict the division of financial responsibility for a property between tenants in common. Co-proprietors of a property might choose to apportion maintenance costs between themselves, as per the percentage of possession or interest held by each party.


  • Apportionment most frequently applies when at least two insurance policies are taken out with a similar insured party.
  • Apportionment can allude to real estate or the distribution of economic benefit.
  • Apportionment portrays the allocation of a loss between all of the insurance companies that guarantee a piece of property.


The amount Does Each Party Receive During Apportionment?

This all relies upon the law in the jurisdiction under question. A few states have a formula in place that must be followed, for instance. Regardless, typically the party or gatherings with the biggest representation or stake will receive the biggest proportion.

What Is Apportionment in Government Funding?

In terms of federal spending, an apportionment is an OMB-approved plan to involve budgetary resources in specific sums, for specific purposes and time spans. An apportionment is legally binding, and obligations and expenditures (payment) that surpass it are a violation of the Antideficiency Act.

What Is Apportionment in Accounting?

In accounting, apportionment alludes to how a business evenly divides and characteristics its gross income. This is important when a company has several divisions or auxiliaries, or on the other hand in the event that it works universally. It can likewise be utilized with regards to business taxation to figure out which jurisdiction a company's tax liability is owed.