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Assessable Stock

Assessable Stock

What Was Assessable Stock?

Assessable stock, presently a defunct type of primary offering, was a class of equities that a company would issue to investors at a discount to face value in exchange for the company's right to return to investors for more money at a later date. There were not many limitations with regards to when a company could impose a levy on issued stock. Ordinarily, the amount a company could demand was equivalent to the face value of the stock minus the purchase price. This might be diverged from non-assessable stock.

One more type of assessable stock, called assessable capital stock, made shareholders at risk for an amount greater than whatever they paid for their stock. Be that as it may, the assessment of this specific type of stock just occurred in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency. Additionally, assessable capital stock was just issued by financial institutions.

Grasping Assessable Stock

Assessable stock was the primary offering type issued in the late 1800s. To captivate investors into buying a possibly costly stock, issuers would initially sell the stock at far below the dollar value imprinted on its stock certificate.

For example, say an assessable stock issue had an initial capitalization of $20. The issuer could sell the stock for $5, or a 75% discount. Eventually, the responsible company would quite often return to investors for additional money, up to the difference between the initial investment and the face value of the stock. In this case, the company could ask for as much as an extra $15. Assuming the investor denied this assessment, the responsible company could resell that stock certificate.

Time span for Assessable Stock

The last time companies issued assessable stocks in the U.S., or other developed markets was before World War II. Today, all securities traded on major exchanges are non-assessable, and in the event that companies need to collect more money, they issue extra stock or bonds.

Assessable stock is as yet a point on the Series 63, or Uniform Securities Agent license exam, which each state expects to conduct securities business. Exam takers, for example, are required to realize that a gift of assessable stock is viewed as both a sale, as well as an offer; the person that received the gift of stock and furthermore has received an offer to basically buy more stock at a set price, when the company that issued it asks for more money.

One explanation realizing about assessable stocks may be on the test is that the industry essentially maintains that its experts should be familiar with the structure of assessable stock, if companies at any point endeavored to survey common shareholders later on. This practice isn't permitted for non-assessable stock.


  • Assessable stock is presently not being used. It was famous during the 1800s yet the last time it was issued was during the 1930s.
  • Assessable stock was a type of stock issue sold to investors at a discount in exchange for the right to return for more money at a later date.
  • Assessable stock was sold at a discount, yet the company could return for extra funds at a later date.