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Black Thursday

Black Thursday

What Is Black Thursday?

Black Thursday is the name given to a notorious day in stock market history: Thursday, Oct. 24, 1929, when the market opened 11% lower than the previous day's close, and panicked selling followed over the course of a day of heavy trading. Black Thursday is considered the main day of the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929, which went on until Oct. 29.

Black Thursday likewise alludes to shopping and sales that start on Thanksgiving Day, a see of Black Friday, the beginning of the holiday shopping season.

Figuring out Black Thursday

Black Thursday denoted the beginning of the finish of one of the longest-running bull markets in U.S. history. For almost the whole decade of the 1920s, stock prices had been consistently climbing, rising to extraordinary levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) increased sixfold from 63 in August 1921 to 381 in September 1929.

Notwithstanding, even before the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) opened on that portentous Thursday in 1929, the raised equity prices were making investors and financial specialists uncomfortable. On Sept. 5, at the annual National Business Conference, economist Roger Babson predicted that "sometime a crash is coming, and it could be staggering." Throughout September, stock prices rotated, with sudden declines and quick recuperations.

The jitters went on into October. In fact, on Oct. 23, the Dow fell 4.6%. A Washington Post title shouted, "Tremendous Selling Wave Creates Near-Panic as Stocks Collapse."

At this point, the stock market had previously fallen almost 20% since its record close of 381 on Sept. 3. While trading opened on Thursday, Oct. 24, the Dow fell 11% in the initial not many hours. Even more inauspicious was the heavy trading volume: It was to hit a record 12.9 million shares โ€” three times the normal sum โ€” by the end of the day.

The three leading banks around then were Morgan Bank, Chase National Bank, and National City Bank of New York. Putting together a $750 million fund, they bought stocks to endeavor to reestablish confidence in the markets. Toward the finish of the trading day, the Dow actually recovered a bit, closing 2% down, at 299.47.

Black Thursday changed the widely held insight that โ€” as one contemporary economist put it โ€” "stock prices have reached 'what resembles a permanently high level.'"

Aftermath of Black Thursday

The lenders' and banks' setting up efforts worked for a period. On Friday, the Dow closed higher, at 301.22.

Be that as it may, on Black Monday, Oct. 28, it fell practically 13% in light trading, to 260.64. Also, that triggered a hard and fast panic the next day. Toward the finish of trading on Tuesday, Oct. 29 โ€” Black Tuesday โ€” the Dow had fallen to 230.07, a 12% loss.

After the crash, the Dow kept sliding for three additional years, reaching as far down as possible on July 8, 1932, at 41.22. It had lost practically 90% of its value since its high on Sept. 3, 1929. In fact, it didn't arrive at that high again for a considerable length of time, until Nov. 23, 1954.

Numerous investors โ€” both institutional and individual โ€” had borrowed or leveraged intensely to buy stocks, and the crash that started on Black Thursday cleared them out financially, leading to inescapable bank disappointments. That, thus, turned into the catalyst that sent the United States into the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Significance of Black Thursday

While the panicked trading on Black Thursday filled more panic on subsequent days, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was actually brought about by several factors. They remember excess production for several industries, an agricultural recession, uncontrolled speculation (or fear of it), the inescapable utilization of margin to buy stocks, questionable accounting and utilizing practices by investment trusts, the beginning regulation of public utility companies. furthermore, a tightening of the money supply by the Federal Reserve (Fed).

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 had one constructive outcome: It triggered a complete upgrade of the U.S. securities industry. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was laid out, and substantial new regulations were presented by legislation, for example, the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Black Thursday Shopping

In recent years, Black Thursday has had a more positive implication joined to it.

It's a loving customers' moniker for the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. Numerous retailers are open on Thanksgiving in a bid to start off bright and early on the furious shopping of Black Friday โ€” and to contend with progressively famous online stores and ecommerce locales. On account of Black Friday, the term "black" alludes to the black ink customarily used to record a profit by accountants, while red ink was utilized to record losses.

The shopping variant of Black Thursday has prompted developing resistance among employees of retailers, who gripe that they are forced to leave Thanksgiving family meals ahead of schedule to report to chip away at time.


  • Black Thursday alludes to Thursday, Oct. 24, 1929, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) plunged radically when trading opened and a remarkable number of shares changed hands.
  • Black Thursday can likewise allude to Thanksgiving Day, when a few retailers begin offering sales and arrangements, in anticipation of the beginning of the holiday shopping season.
  • Black Thursday is considered the main day of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which went on until Oct. 29, denoting the finish of a decade-long bull market and the beginning of the Great Depression.


For what reason did stock prices fall so pointedly on Black Tuesday?

Confidence in the stock market had been severely shaken by the huge declines in the Dow on the previous Thursday (Black Thursday) and Monday (Black Monday). However a consortium of banks attempted to reestablish investors' faith through heavy buying, panic based upon the previous panic. As prices slid, numerous investors confronted margin calls: They had borrowed money to buy stocks, and presently they needed to concoct more funds to keep up with their positions; on the off chance that they couldn't, they needed to sell their shares โ€” which, of course, made prices fall further. Trading turned out to be so fast and enraged that stock tickers (physical message machines that reported share prices) couldn't keep up, lagging behind by hours; confusion over the lack of exceptional data urged the charge to sell.

What was the lessening in stock value on Black Thursday?

As measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the leading index of the day, stocks declined 2% in value on Black Thursday.

What's the difference between Black Thursday and Black Tuesday?

Both are part of the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929, however at furthest edges. Black Thursday, Oct. 24, 1929, is viewed as the beginning of the crash. Exactly 12 million shares changed hands, and the Dow fell pointedly in the opening hours of trading, however it recovered to some degree to close six points down from the previous day โ€” about a 2% decline in value. Black Tuesday occurred five days after the fact, on Oct. 29, and denoted the last โ€” and most horrendously awful โ€” day of the crash. In a record trading volume of 16 million shares, stock prices collapsed, and the Dow dropped in excess of 30 points, losing 12% of its value in that one day.