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The Bond Buyer

The Bond Buyer

What Is The Bond Buyer?

The Bond Buyer is a trade publication for individuals from the municipal bond industry that started as a daily newspaper a while back and presently gives sophisticated real-time market data through a subscription-based digital variant.

Grasping The Bond Buyer

The newspaper sent off in 1891 as The Daily Bond Buyer in New York City. It serves the whole municipal bond industry with a daily paper and subscription-based website that distributes intraday breaking news and files. The print form of The Bond Buyer is delivered five days per week, while the digital rendition is refreshed constantly all through the business day.

The Bond Buyer is a subsidiary of Arizent, which likewise distributes American Banker. Arizent, formerly SourceMedia, Inc., was recently owned by Thomson Corporation, presently Thomson Reuters Corporation, before being sold to Investcorp, a Bahrain private equity firm, in 2004. In 2014, Arizent was sold to Observer Capital, one more private equity firm established by Joseph Meyer.

The Bond Buyer adopts a regional strategy to covering the industry. It remembers advancements for the Midwest, Northeast, Far West, Southwest, and Southeast United States, as well as the Caribbean region. The Bond Buyer additionally centers around the economic policies of the federal government, especially the Federal Reserve Board, and what its policies mean for municipalities and their debt offerings. The newspaper keeps up with bureaus in Chicago, Florida, Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.

In September 2017, The Bond Buyer announced a partnership with Municipal Bond Information Services (MBIS) to deliver real-time market data to endorsers through the Bond Buyer Data Workstation. This service is intended to improve the website's industry coverage and analysis by bundling it with sophisticated market data, like the service offered by Bloomberg.

One more critical service given by The Bond Buyer is the Legal Notices section. The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) requires bond issuers to distribute declarations of new bond issues or amendments to existing bonds. The Bond Buyer's Legal Notices section gives a registry of current offerings, as well as connections to a notice of sale for every issuance. Different declarations listed in the section incorporate notices of refunding, liquidations, tender offers, and offers to repurchase bonds.

The regional approach of The Bond Buyer is reflected in a series of annual meetings which the paper has around the country. These occasions will generally zero in either on municipal bond issues in a specific region or a sector of the national bond market — administration, law, and public finance are recent models.


  • The publication remembers improvements for the Midwest, Northeast, Far West, Southwest, and Southeast United States, as well as the Caribbean region.
  • The Bond Buyer is a trade publication for individuals from the municipal bond industry that offers real-time market data through a digital subscription.
  • It likewise centers around the economic policies of the federal government and what they mean for municipalities and their debt offerings.