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Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)

Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)

What Is the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)?

The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) is a globally recognized authorization offered by the CFA Institute. As its name proposes, the purpose of the CIPM is to prepare professionals to precisely work out and impart investment performance figures.

How the CIPM Works

The CIPM is an important assignment inside the financial services industry, in light of the fact that it gives confidence that the investment performance figures utilized all through the industry can be depended upon by completely involved. All things considered, since industry ads frequently feature return on investment (ROI) figures for products, for example, mutual funds, hedge funds, or individual securities, the investing public really must have the option to trust that these figures are being calculated and introduced on "logical" basis.

Throughout the long term, different industry standards and best practices have been made to assist with accomplishing this goal. Today, these principles are reflected in the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), a shared methodology involved all through the world for computing and introducing investment returns. Up-and-comers who seek after the CIPM assignment are prepared in how to assess and introduce investment returns in a GIPS-consistent way.

Albeit computing investment returns might appear as though a moderately direct task, in practice guaranteeing GIPS compliance can technically request. Consequently, the CIPM assignment shows a broad scope of skills and information in areas, for example, mathematical and statistical methods, the laws and regulations overseeing performance measurement, and financial accounting. The CIPM additionally covers material that is more active in nature, for example, showing applicants how to actually regulate other faculty who are engaged with the calculation of investment returns.

Real World Example of the CIPM

Up-and-comers who wish to get the CIPM assignment must have something like two years of professional experience in jobs explicitly connected with working out and reporting investment performance figures. On the other hand, competitors can likewise meet this requirement by exhibiting four years of experience in a broader set of jobs inside the financial industry.

Once accepted into the program, effective up-and-comers must complete two exams, the two of which are administered, close-reserved exams enduring 180 minutes. All up-and-comers must consent to submit to the CIPM Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, while additionally keeping up with continuous education requirements in the wake of acquiring the CIPM. By and large, around half of up-and-comers finish the exam, with fruitful competitors frequently appreciating enhanced employment possibilities inside the financial sector.


  • CIPM is a very much regarded professional assignment in the financial sector.
  • Effective applicants must finish two exams, every one of which are 180 minutes long. To compose the exams, applicants must likewise show no less than two years of important work experience.
  • It is offered by the CFA Institute, and is intently connected with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).