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Continuing Claims

Continuing Claims

What Are Continuing Claims

Continuing claims track the number of U.S. occupants filing for continuous unemployment benefits in a given week. While initial claims track new filings for benefits, continuing claims are a measure of progressing unemployment benefit claims.

To be counted among continuing claims, a person must be covered by unemployment insurance and must be at present getting benefits. They must have been jobless for essentially seven days subsequent to filing the initial claim, per Department of Labor (DoL) details.

Like initial claims, continuing claims are delivered Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. ET in the unemployment insurance week by week claims report. The report aggregates data from state agencies directing the claims. It gives unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data and charts, as well as a breakdown of claims by state.

Figuring out Continuing Claims

Continuing claims count workers getting week by week unemployment benefits. Since everybody counted here recently documented an initial claim, this data doesn't give financial market participants much new data.

The count of continuing claims doesn't recognize somebody ending claims since they found a job and somebody who has exhausted the benefit. Over the duration of a regular unemployment claim, the DoL releases several month to month employment reports giving considerably more valuable data on labor market conditions.


The number of continuing claims for the week ended May 21, 2022. Continuing claims are at their most reduced levels in 50 years.

Continuing Claims versus Initial Claims

Conversely, with continuing claims, initial jobless claims measure new as opposed to continuous unemployment consistently.

First-time claims are reported for the week ended the prior Saturday. Continuing claims in a similar report are for the week ended 12 days before the report date.

While continuing claims are a lagging or, best case scenario, a coincident growth signal, initial claims are viewed as a leading economic indicator on the grounds that they are a brief measure of the week after week cutbacks trend cross country. Initial claims can be especially telling at economic defining moments.

Why Jobless Claims Matter to Investors

Workers are additionally consumers whose spending gives work to other people, so the pace of job gains and losses is pivotal to the economy's performance.

While the month to month employment report gives a more complete labor market picture, initial unemployment claims offer a more regular indicator of the pace of cutbacks.


  • Initial claims, which are reported sooner, matter more to financial markets.
  • Continuing claims are progressing week by week unemployment benefit claims by workers who recently documented an initial claim.
  • They are not a leading indicator of the economy and offer less new data than first-time claims.