Investor's wiki

Current Price

Current Price

What Is Current Price?

The current price is the latest selling price of a stock, currency, commodity, or precious metal that is traded on a exchange and is the most dependable indicator of that security's current value.

Figuring out Current Price

Current price is otherwise called market value. It is the price at which a share of stock or some other security last traded. In an open market, the current price capabilities as a baseline. It demonstrates the price a buyer might want to pay and a seller might want to acknowledge for a subsequent transaction in that security.

On account of a bond, the current price is frequently quoted as 10% of par or face value. That is, a bond that is reported as currently trading at $99 is really priced at $990.

In a listing in an investment portfolio, the current price addresses the value at a stated date.

Current price is an indicator yet not a guarantee. On an exchange, the current price doesn't direct the next sale price. Changes to the supply and demand associated with the security will shift its price consistently.

There are a number of terms that are comparable or indistinguishable in significance to current price. These include:

  • Current value, an accounting method in which assets are priced by their replacement value rather than their original costs.
  • Current yield, an estimate of the annual income of an investment that depends on isolating the total income by the current price.
  • Cash price is the most recent quoted price on an exchange and is subsequently inseparable from current price.

Types of Current Price

Current Price in Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trades

At the point when a security is sold over-the-counter (OTC) rather than on an exchange, the current price depends on the current bid price listed by buyers and the current ask price listed by sellers. Dynamic in nature, the current price in an OTC trade varies in light of supply and demand.

Current Price in the Bond Market

A bond's current not entirely set in stone by comparing the current interest rate to the interest rate associated with the bid. The par or face value is then adjusted in light of the leftover interest payments due until the bond comes to maturity. The nearer a bond is to maturity, the nearer the current price will be to the face value listed on the bond.

Current Price in Retail Sales

In a retail store, the current price of any thing is the amount being charged for it at that moment. Assuming the thing is on sale, the current price will be lower than the retail price for that thing.


  • Current price is an indicator of current value, yet the real price of the next sale might be higher or lower contingent upon supply and demand.
  • Current price is the latest price at which a security was sold on an exchange.
  • Current price fills in as a baseline for buyers and sellers.