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Current Rate Method

Current Rate Method

What Is the Current Rate Method?

The current rate method is a method of foreign currency translation where most things in the financial statements are deciphered at the current exchange rate.

At the point when a company has operations in different countries, it might have to exchange the foreign currency earned by those foreign operations into the currency utilized while setting up the company's financial statements — the show currency. The current rate method is used in cases where the subsidiary isn't very much integrated with the parent company, and the neighborhood currency where the subsidiary operates is equivalent to its functional currency.

Grasping the Current Rate Method

Currency translation is the method involved with changing over a foreign substance's functional currency financial statements to the reporting element's financial statements.

The current rate method varies from the temporal (historical) method in that assets and liabilities are deciphered at current exchange rates rather than historical ones. This can make a high amount of translation risk, as the current exchange rate might change. To assist with smoothing this volatility, gains and losses associated with this translation are reported on a reserve account, rather than the consolidated net income account, which is utilized in the transient method.

This assists with diminishing the volatility of consolidated earnings. It is likewise more supportive for management, shareholders, and creditors in assessing a company since losses and gains coming about because of currency translation are excluded from the accounting of consolidated earnings. In the current rate method, the cumulative translation adjustment (CTA), which is the loss/gain associated with the currency translation, is held on the balance sheet as an unrealized gain or loss.

Computing With the Current Rate Method

While deciphering currency utilizing the current rate method:

  1. The initial step is to decipher the income statement utilizing the weighted average exchange rate saw over the reporting period.
  2. Next**,** assets and liabilities found on the balance sheet are deciphered at the current exchange rate. Note that issued capital stock is to be interpreted at the exchange rate saw on the date of issuance. Retained earnings are adjusted for net income less dividends.
  3. At long last, the balance sheet must be re-balanced because of this accounting system. The CTA is utilized as a module figure that nets out the asset side of the balance sheet with the liabilities and equity side. The CTA is treated as an unrealized gain or loss, which can hence be realized when the foreign subsidiary is sold or impaired.

Illustration of the Current Rate Method

A model would be a Canadian subsidiary of a U.S. company that carries on with work utilizing the Canadian dollar or "looney."

While changing foreign currencies over completely to the company's show currency, the assets and liabilities listed on the balance sheet are switched over completely to the show currency utilizing the spot exchange rate as of the date on the balance sheet. Stock and retained earnings are deciphered at their historical rates, while income statement things are interpreted at the weighted average rate for the accounting period.


  • Currency translation is the method involved with changing over the financial consequences of a parent company's foreign auxiliaries into its functional currency.
  • The current rate method is most frequently utilized when the subsidiary company is genuinely independent of the parent's activities. It could be diverged from the worldly method.
  • Companies must report involving the currency of the environment where it basically generates and consumes cash.
  • The current rate method is a standard method of currency translation that uses the current market exchange rate.