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What Is Curtailment?

Curtailment is the act of confining or lessening something or cutting it short. The word is in many cases utilized in business declarations and has several purposes in the mortgage industry:

  • A mortgage loan might be fulfilled by curtailment when the homeowner takes care of the balance ahead of schedule.
  • Principal curtailment of a mortgage happens when a borrower makes an extra payment against the principal owed to reduce the outstanding balance. This is some of the time called a partial curtailment.
  • A total mortgage curtailment has happened when the balance of the loan is paid off with a lump sum ahead of schedule.

Grasping Curtailment

The word curtailment can be applied to a conscious restriction or reduction put on any activity, and it has become common utilization in alluding to business operations.

A company might impose a curtailment on production in response to short-term market conditions. This is particularly common in the oil and gas industry, which needs to answer rapidly to changes in supply and demand.

A company might opt for a curtailment of a portion of its business activities in response to financial difficulties. This might include closing down certain parts of its operation briefly or permanently to focus on the core business.

A curtailment shows a reduction, impermanent or permanent, in a level of production.

The word curtailment is likewise commonly involved by energy companies to depict a reduction in conveyances to customers due to a brief shortage of supplies.

A number of recent reports have been connected with announced curtailments, including the accompanying:

  • California's State Water Resources Control Board issued an "crisis curtailment order" in August 2021 precluding the utilization of water from the majority of the state's streams for an endless period of time due to dry spell conditions.
  • Canfor, a timber company, announced an arranged curtailment of production capacity at its Canadian sawmills during the second from last quarter of 2021 due to supply chain difficulties and extreme out of control fire conditions.
  • The government of India announced defers in a zoological study of the subcontinent due to a "curtailment of assets" for the project during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regardless of its common use to depict business reductions and power restrictions, consumers are probably going to go over the word curtailment in the fine print in mortgage administrative work.

In that unique circumstance, at any rate, a curtailment is generally a decent outcome for the consumer.


  • A curtailment might allude to an impermanent or permanent restriction imposed on an activity.
  • Mortgage curtailment means prepaying part of the principal or paying off the whole loan sooner than scheduled.
  • The word is in many cases utilized in business declarations, particularly to report reductions in production or limits on energy output.