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Euronext Dublin

Euronext Dublin

What Is Euronext Dublin?

Euronext Dublin was framed in March 2018 when the Irish Stock Exchange merged with Euronext, a cross-border European stock exchange. The Irish Stock Exchange started trading in 1793 and turned into a legally recognized entity in 1799 when the Irish Parliament passed the Stock Exchange (Dublin) Act.

In 1973, the Irish Stock Exchange was merged with other British and Irish stock exchanges and turned out to be part of the International Stock Exchange of Great Britain and Ireland. This merger became known as the London Stock Exchange. Once many an over twenty years, nonetheless, the Irish Stock Exchange turned into a separate, autonomous entity in 1995. That arrangement went on until 2018 when the merger with Euronext was settled.

Grasping Euronext Dublin

The Irish Stock Exchange was a member of the World Federation of Stock Exchanges, as well as the Federation of European Stock Exchanges. The combined gathering under the Euronext name said it's "the biggest center for debt and funds listings in the world, with in excess of 37,000 listed bonds and 5,600 funds, and a major part in ETFs with 1,050 listings."

St\u00e9phane Boujnah, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Managing Board of Euronext, said in a statement that, "As the main skillet European exchange operator, Euronext is exceptionally situated to invite independent exchanges, for example, the Irish Stock Exchange, presently Euronext Dublin, that need to join its federal model and benefit from its single cross-country liquidity pool, its cutting edge proprietary technology, and its single rule book."

The benchmark index that tracks Euronext Dublin is the ISEQ 20, which is comprised of the 20 companies with the highest market capitalization on the overall ISEQ All-Share Index. The ISEQ 20 tracks at about \u20ac1,200 euros actually 2020.

Euronext Dublin Operations

Euronext Dublin said it works four markets: "The Main Securities Market for listing debt, shares, funds, and exchange traded funds (ETFs); the Global Exchange Market for debt and funds and the Enterprise Securities Market and the Atlantic Securities Market for companies raising equity."

The new board of Euronext Dublin has four non-executive directors, a chair, Padraic O'Connor actually 2020, and the CEO of Euronext Dublin, who is Daryl Byrne late in 2020.

In 2017, operating under the Irish Stock Exchange, the ISE said it positioned #1 for bond and investment fund listings worldwide with more than 36,700 securities listed; had the world's biggest ever Sukuk listing, as well as sovereigns, green bonds, banks, European, Middle East, North and Latin American, Chinese corporates among 10,000 new debt listings; and raised 5.1 billion euros in equity funds including AIB, the biggest IPO in Europe in 2017.

Parent company Euronext said it works four national regulated securities and derivatives markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, and Paris; the regulated securities market in Ireland; and the United Kingdom-based regulated securities market Euronext London.


  • The Irish Stock Exchange started trading in 1793 and turned into a legally recognized entity in 1799
  • The Irish Stock Exchange was a member of the World Federation of Stock Exchanges
  • The ISEQ 20 tracks at about \u20ac1,200 euros actually 2020.
  • Euronext Dublin was shaped in March 2018 when the Irish Stock Exchange merged with Euronext, a cross-border European stock exchange.
  • The benchmark index that tracks Euronext Dublin is the ISEQ 20, comprised of the 20 companies with the highest market capitalization on the overall ISEQ All-Share Index.