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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Service

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Service

What Is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Service?

A peer-to-peer (P2P) service is a decentralized platform by which two people cooperate directly with one another, without intermediation by a third party. All things considered, the buyer and the seller transact directly with each other by means of the P2P service. The P2P platform might offer types of assistance, for example, search, screening, rating, payment processing, or escrow.

Understanding Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Services

The modern peer-to-peer concept was advocated by file-sharing systems, for example, the music-sharing application Napster, which appeared in 1999. The peer-to-peer movement permitted great many internet users to directly interface, form gatherings, and team up with one another to function as client made web crawlers, virtual supercomputers, and file systems. This model of network arrangement contrasts from the client-server model, where communication is as a rule to and from a central server.

Today P2P services have moved past simply internet services, however they are generally considered essentially internet-based. Peer-to-peer services include activities that reach from simple buying and selling to those that are viewed as part of the sharing economy. A peer-to-peer services don't for a moment even include a paid transaction by the users by any means, yet they unite people to deal with joint ventures, share information, or impart without direct intermediation. These sorts of P2P services might be worked as free nonprofit services or produce revenue by advertising to users or by selling client's data.

When a third party is eliminated from the transaction, there is a greater risk that the provider of the service might fail to deliver, that the service won't be of the quality expected, that the buyer may not pay, or that either of the parties could possibly exploit asymmetric information. This extra risk comprises added transaction costs to a P2P transaction. Frequently, P2P services are made with the intent of facilitating these transactions and decreasing risk for both buyer and seller. The buyer, seller, or both could pay the cost of the service or the service might be offered for free and produce revenue in another manner.

Instances of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Services

Open-source Software

Anyone can see and additionally adjust code for the software. Open-source software attempts to take out the central distributer/editor of software by crowdsourcing the coding, altering, and quality control of software among essayists and users.


Filesharing is where uploaders and downloaders meet to swap media and software files. Notwithstanding peer-to-peer networking, filesharing services can give examining and security to shared files. They may likewise offer users the ability to secretly sidestep intellectual property rights or on the other hand might give enforcement to intellectual property.

Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces comprise of a network for private sellers of goods to track down intrigued buyers. Online market spots can offer promotion services for sellers, ratings of buyers and sellers in view of history, payment processing, and escrow services.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

A blockchain is a part of cryptocurrency technology. It is a network where users can make payments, process, and confirm payments without a central currency issuer or clearinghouse. Blockchain technology permits individuals to execute business utilizing cryptocurrencies and to make and uphold smart contracts.


Homesharing permits property owners to lease all or part of their property to short-term tenants. Homesharing services normally give payment processing, quality assurance, or rating and qualification of owners and leaseholders.


Ridesharing is a platform for vehicle owners to offer escort service for individuals seeking a taxi ride. Ridesharing platforms offer comparable services as homesharing services.


  • Peer-to-peer services leverage technology to defeat the transaction costs of trust, enforcement, and information imbalances that have customarily tended to by utilizing trust third parties.
  • Peer-to-peer platforms offer services, for example, payment processing, information about buyers and sellers, and quality assurance to their users.
  • A peer-to-peer service is a platform that directly interfaces parties to a transaction without the third-party intermediary.