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Current Situation Index

Present Situation Index

What is the Present Situation Index?

The Present Situation Index is a subindex that measures overall consumer sentiment in regards to the present economic situation. This index is resolved by means of a survey led for the Conference Board by Nielsen, and it is utilized to determine the Consumer Confidence Index. This is likewise in some cases known as the Current Situation Index.

Understanding the Present Situation Index

The Present Situation Index manages consumer appraisals of the current state of the economy as it connects with them. To develop the Present Situation Index, the Conference Board surveys around 5,000 households (with 3,000 respondents) via mail every month. To measure current consumer sentiment, the survey remembers five inquiries with respect to current conditions for business and employment and future expectations six months subsequently on business, employment, and total family income. Participants in this survey are approached to reply in the event that they feel positive, negative or neutral.

For each inquiry, the number of positive reactions is separated by the sum of positive and negative reactions. This number is then indexed to its average value for the benchmark year, 1985. The average of the subsequent indexes for the five inquiries is then calculated to decide the Present Situation Index.

When the Conference Board directs its appraisal of the current situation and computes its value, the Present Situation Index is combined with another sub-index called the Expectations Index to form the Consumer Confidence Index. The Consumer Confidence Index measures consumer sentiment in regards to both present and close term future economic conditions.

The Consumer Confidence Index is a generally utilized economic indicator, which fills in as a barometer of the soundness of the U.S. economy according to the viewpoint of the consumer. The combined Consumer Confidence Index is likewise utilized as a part of the Conference Board Leading Economic Index. In view of a scope of economic conditions, the Leading Economic Index and its connected measures are among the earliest arrangements of economic indicators accessible every month and act as leading indicators for the U.S. economy.

Applying the Present Situation Index

Businesses frequently utilize this subindex to gain viewpoint on current market conditions and settle on more informed business choices. Indicators of current consumer sentiment might be more dependable and less unstable than indicators of expectations with respect to future conditions or arranged future purchases. All things considered, consumers could without much of a stretch change their arranged future expenditures whenever in light of changes to current conditions.

Business analysts generally accept that consumers hold either rational or if nothing else adaptive expectations, however alternative speculations including behavioral economic thoughts with respect to cognitive predispositions toward present and future economic choices are additionally well known. In any case, perceptions of current economic conditions are clearly important to assist with gaining knowledge that can work on the quality of business and investment choices that will carry through into future quarters.

At the point when the Present Situation Index shows current economic sentiment as positive, this can be seen as a positive signal that the economy is strong or in recovery. Businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs can utilize this information (alongside a scope of other general and market specific indicators) to assist with checking close term demand for their products. Economic policy creators in government agencies and central banks additionally consider indicators of consumer sentiment in setting targets on things like interest rates and monetary policy.


  • Combined with the Expectations Index, the Present Situation Index makes up the month to month Consumer Confidence Index.
  • The Present Situation Index is an indicator of consumer sentiment about current business and job market conditions.
  • Businesses, investors, and economic policymakers watch the Present Situation Index alongside related indicators to assist with measuring close term consumer demand.