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Primary Account Holder

Primary Account Holder

What Is a Primary Account Holder?

The term primary account holder alludes to the principal client of an account, for example, a credit card, bank account, or even a debt vehicle like a loan. This is the person who is legally responsible for the debt and balance alongside the maintenance of the account. This individual can likewise make changes on the account including giving access or potentially cards to other authorized users.

Grasping Primary Account Holders

The person who makes the initial application to open an account or to apply for credit is alluded to as the primary account holder. The financial institution involves its financial profile to support the account.

With most financial accounts, the primary account holder has the option to permit authorized users to approach the account. These individuals are known as secondary account holders and, on account of credit cards, authorized users are likewise called [additional cardholders](/extra cardholder). With authorized users, the primary account holder is still fully liable for all charges on the account, including charges made by both the primary account holder and any extra users on the account.

Primary account holder procedures and liabilities can vary across different types of accounts. The two fundamental accounts set up by an individual primary account holder incorporate checking accounts and credit card accounts.

Types of Primary Account Holder Accounts

As verified above, primary account holders can be named in several various types of accounts. The following are two of the most famous accounts where primary account holders might be listed.

Checking Accounts

Checking accounts normally require to a lesser extent a point by point record verification for endorsement than a credit card account. These accounts, be that as it may, will request an assortment of personal data from the primary account holder for endorsement including their full name, address, and Social Security number (SSN).

A primary account holder approved for a checking account gets a debit card and checks. A debit card is regularly the primary way account holders make payments and access their funds. Primary account holders have the option to add an authorized client which gives an extra card to every client.

Credit Cards

The primary account holder is the person who applies for the credit card. In that capacity, the issuer considers the primary account holder's credit score while choosing whether to broaden credit. The primary account holder might request that the credit card company issue extra cards to authorized users.

Now and again, the issuer may not seek after authorized users for any unpaid balances. The primary account holder likewise has the authority to examine account subtleties with the credit card issuer, dispute transactions, request a credit limit increase, reclaim cashback or reward points, and close the account.

Primary Account Holder versus Secondary Account Holder

Authorized users are called secondary account holders. These individuals might approach certain parts or all of an account as illustrated by the primary account holder like signing authority. This is particularly true for [business accounts](/business account) where a secondary holder might have the option to put aside installments at the bank yet will most likely be unable to pull out money from the account.

Generally speaking, the secondary account holder has no legal responsibility for the account. This means the institution can't pursue this person in that frame of mind of any fraud or issues. This means the primary must expect the liability over all that the authorized client does including the balance. So the account owner must take care of any withdrawals a secondary makes on the off chance that they are authorized to do as such.

A primary account holder takes care of anything an authorized client does on an account.

Primary Account Holders versus Joint Account Holders

A few financial institutions offer joint accounts to their consumers. These accounts permit two individuals to be viewed as primary account holders. Joint accounts are much of the time common for married couples or family individuals like a parent and a child. In a joint account, each account holder can be held responsible for the charges made on the account and not just for the portion they personally accused to the account of their name on it.

Either individual can likewise add authorized users to the account. Both joint account holders share the responsibility for all charges made by one another and any authorized users.


  • A primary account holder alludes to the principal client of an account, for example, a bank or credit card account.
  • Primary account holder procedures and liabilities can contrast across different types of accounts.
  • Joint account holders share responsibility for an account and are both viewed as primary account holders.
  • Primary account holders are legally responsible for the account and can likewise name authorized users.