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Proof of Capacity (Cryptocurrency)

Proof of Capacity (Cryptocurrency)

What Is Proof of Capacity (PoC) for Cryptocurrencies?

Proof of capacity (PoC) is a consensus mechanism algorithm utilized in blockchains that considers mining gadgets in the network to utilize their accessible hard drive space to choose mining rights and approve transactions. This is rather than utilizing the mining gadget's computational power (as in the proof of work algorithm) or the miner's stake in the digital forms of money (as in the proof of stake algorithm).

Grasping Proof of Capacity

Proof of capacity arose as one of the numerous alternative solutions to the problem of high energy consumption in proof of work (PoW) systems and cryptocurrency hoarding in proof of stake (PoS) systems.

Proof of capacity permits the mining gadgets, otherwise called hubs, on the blockchain network to utilize void space on their hard drive to mine the accessible cryptocurrencies.

Rather than over and over changing the numbers in the block header and continued hashing for the solution value as in a PoW system, PoC works by putting away a rundown of possible solutions on the mining gadget's hard drive even before the mining activity begins.

The bigger the hard drive, the more possible solution values one can store on the hard drive, the more chances a miner needs to match the required hash value from his rundown, bringing about additional chances to win the mining reward.

To draw a relationship, in the event that lottery rewards depend on matching the most numbers on the triumphant ticket, then, at that point, a player with a more extended rundown of possible solutions will have better chances of winning. Furthermore, the player is permitted to keep utilizing the lottery ticket block numbers over and over more than once.

Burstcoin is a cryptocurrency that utilizes a proof of capacity system. Different coins that utilization it are Storj, Chia, and SpaceMint.

How PoC Works: Plotting and Mining

The proof-of-capacity protocol includes a two-step process that includes plotting and mining.

To start with, the hard drive is plotted: the rundown of all possible nonce values are made through continued hashing of data, including a miner's account. Each such nonce contains 8192 hashes, which are numbered from 0 to 8191. Every one of the hashes are paired into "scoops," and that means nearby hashes are combined to form a pair of two. For example, hash 0 and 1 comprise scoop 0, hash 2 and 3 comprise hash 1, etc.

The subsequent step includes the real mining exercise, during which a miner computes a scoop number. For example, in the event that a miner starts the mining activity and produces a scoop number 38, the miner would then go to scoop number 38 of nonce 1 and utilize that scoop's data to compute a cutoff time value.

The interaction is rehashed for computing the cutoff time for every nonce held upon on the miner's hard drive. Following the calculation of the relative multitude of cutoff times, the one with the base cutoff time is chosen by the miner.

A cutoff time addresses the duration of time in seconds that must pass since the last block was produced before a miner is permitted to manufacture another block. On the off chance that no other person has fashioned a block inside this time, the miner can produce a block and claim the block reward.

For example, if miner X thinks of a base cutoff time of 36 seconds and no different miners can fashion the block inside the next 36 seconds, X will secure the chance to manufacture the next block and get rewarded.

Upsides and downsides of Proof of Capacity

PoC enjoys several upper hands over PoW and PoS systems, as well as a few important disservices that include:


  • PoC can use any regular hard drives including those with Android-based systems.

  • It is reportedly up to 30-times more energy efficient than the ASIC-based mining of the bitcoin cryptocurrency.

  • There is no need for dedicated hardware or constant upgrading of hard drives.  

  • Mining data can be easily wiped-off and the drive can be reused for any other data storage purpose.


  • Not many developers have adopted the system.

  • It is possible for malware to affect mining activities.

  • Widespread adoption of PoC could start an "arms race" to produce higher capacity hard drives.

## Highlights - The fundamental benefit of a PoC system is its proficiency compared to proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) systems. - Blockchains that run on proof of capacity incorporate Storj, Burst, Chia, and SpaceMint. - Proof of capacity (PoC) authentication systems utilize spare space on a gadget's hard drive to store solutions to a cryptocurrency hashing problem.