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What Is Scalability?

Scalability is a characteristic of an organization, system, model, or function that portrays its capability to cope and perform well under an increased or expanding workload or scope. A system that scales well will actually want to maintain or even increase its level of performance or proficiency even as it is tried by increasingly large operational demands.

In financial markets, scalability alludes to financial institutions' ability to handle increased market demands; in the corporate environment, a scalable company is one that can maintain or further develop profit margins while sales volume increases.

Understanding Scalability

Scalability, whether it be in a financial setting or inside a setting of business strategy, portrays a company's ability to develop without being hampered by its structure or available resources when faced with increased production. The idea of scalability has become an ever increasing number of relevant in recent years as technology has made it easier to acquire customers, expand markets and scale.

This concept is closely related to the term economies of scale, wherein certain companies are able to reduce their production costs and increase profitability as they become larger and produce more. For situations while increasing production increases costs and lowers profits, it is called diseconomies of scale.

Example of Scalability in the Tech Sector

Some tech companies, for example, have an amazing ability to scale rapidly, making them high growth opportunities. The reasoning behind this is a lack of physical inventory and a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model of delivering goods and services. Companies with low operating overhead and practically no burden of warehousing and inventory needn't bother with a great deal of resources or infrastructure to rapidly develop.

Even companies that are not straightforwardly related to the technology industry have a greater ability to scale by using specific technologies. Customer acquisition, for example, using devices like digital advertising, has turned into significantly easier.

Even banking institutions can carry out digital advertising strategies to increase information exchanges for online banking services, increasing their customer base and revenue potential. Different technologies that assistance with scaling incorporate labor-saving technologies, for example, automated warehouse management systems utilized by large retailers including Amazon and Wal-Mart.

Special Considerations

At its core, a scalable business is one that spotlights on the implementation of processes that lead to an efficient operation. The workflow and structure of the business allow for scalability.

All scalable companies have an established group of leaders, including C-level executives, investors, and advisors, who give strategy and bearing. Scalable businesses also have steady brand messaging across their divisions and locations. A lack of brand enforcement at times causes companies to fail to focus on their core value, hence decreasing scalability. Yahoo is an example of this. After the company scaled up rapidly, it lost sight of its core business and has flopped.

A scalable company has effective devices for measurement, so the whole business can be assessed and managed at each level. This management leads to the efficient operations depicted above and assists with capital budgeting.


  • Scalability has become increasingly relevant in recent years as technology has made it easier to acquire more customers and expand markets globally.
  • Scalability portrays a system's capability to adapt easily to increased workload or market demands.
  • A scalable firm can benefit from economies of scale, and can rapidly ramp up production.