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VND (Vietnamese Đ\u1ed3ng)

VND (Vietnamese Đồng)

What Is the VND (Vietnamese Đ\u1ed3ng)?

The term VND alludes to the currency shortening for the Vietnamese d\u1ed3ng. The d\u1ed3ng is the national currency for Vietnam, which supplanted the utilization of separate North and South Vietnamese money in 1978. The d\u1ed3ng is considered a exotic currency in light of the lack of interest in it on the forex market or in global finance. Until 2016, it was approximately pegged to the U.S. dollar through an arrangement called a crawling peg.

Figuring out VND (Vietnamese Đ\u1ed3ng)

VND, short for the Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng, is frequently given the image \u20ab. It is issued by the State Bank of Vietnam, which issues banknotes in 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, and 500,000 groups. A single đ\u1ed3ng is made out of 10 h\u00e0o and 100 xu, neither of which is utilized in Vietnam. The bank minted coins in 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 5,000 đ\u1ed3ng groups. Presently not created or in active use, these coins are as yet legal tender.

The currency was laid out in 1946, when the Viet Minh government, which later turned into the government of North Vietnam, acquainted national money with supplant the French Indochinese piastre. The State of Vietnam, which later turned out to be South Vietnam, issued its own money in 1953. These banknotes listed in the price in both đ\u1ed3ng and piastres, mirroring its progress. After the fall of Saigon during the 1970s, South Vietnam issued the freedom đ\u1ed3ng. The đ\u1ed3ng was reunified in 1978 after Vietnam itself was reunified in the late 1970s.

The Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng, which is closely managed against the U.S. dollar, has been set apart by ongoing inflation. It is one of the most unfortunate currencies worldwide as per the global currency market. All through the late 2010s, one U.S. dollar traded for around 22,000-23,000 Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng. One U.S. dollar was equivalent to about 23,171 VND in November 2020, in view of the average exchange rate.

In 2017, Bloomberg reported that Vietnam started moving from an agricultural economy to a hub for gadgets manufacturing and assembly, especially with a large investment by Korea's Samsung Electronics. This means the economy has developed over 6% in the prior two years, becoming among the quickest developing in the world. Moreover, the report states that while other Asian currencies, for example, the Thai baht (THB) and the Malaysian ringgit (MYR) flooded, and the Philippine peso (PHP) dropped in value, the đ\u1ed3ng is minimal changed and in this manner perhaps of the most stable Asian currency.

Investors who need to invest in Vietnam might need to consider a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund.

Special Considerations

"Đ\u1ed3ng" is utilized in the Vietnamese language as a term for any currency, changing it fittingly with the nation's name before it. Thus, for instance, somebody living in the United States who is familiar with Vietnamese might allude to the U.S. dollar as the "U.S. đ\u1ed3ng." Additionally, "U.S. h\u00e0o" and "U.S. xu" can be utilized in reference to the U.S. dime and penny coins. Thus, utilizing "đ\u1ed3ng" alone to allude to Vietnam's currency won't do the trick. Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng must be alluded to as "đ\u1ed3ng Vietnam."


  • The word đ\u1ed3ng is utilized in Vietnamese to depict any money or currency conventionally, thus the national currency must continuously determine Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng.
  • VND is managed by the State Bank of Vietnam through a crawling peg to the U.S. dollar.
  • VND is the shortening of Vietnam's national currency, the Vietnamese đ\u1ed3ng.