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Accumulated Fund

Accumulated Fund

What Is an Accumulated Fund?

An accumulated fund is where [budgetary surpluses](/financial plan surplus) are held by a nonprofit organization (NPO), and it is practically equivalent to the corporate profit earned by a traditional entity in light of its retained earnings.

Grasping Accumulated Funds

A nonprofit organization is a business that has been conceded tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) since it promotes a social reason and gives a public benefit. Donations made to a nonprofit organization are regularly tax-deductible to people and businesses that make them, and the nonprofit itself pays no tax on the received donations or on some other money earned through fundraising activities.

Nonprofit organizations are sometimes called NPOs or 501(c)(3) organizations in light of the section of the tax code that permits them to operate.

At the point when a NPO brings in cash in excess of its expenses and charitable donations, it is put into its accumulated funds. This money is set to the side for the future purchase of assets, or to be utilized to give liquidity in times of budgetary deficits. An accumulated fund's value is the organization's net assets (i.e., assets to liabilities). Nonprofit organizations, like community clubs, societies, and noble cause, have capital accounts known as accumulated funds.

Money is directed into the accumulated fund when revenues are greater than expenses and there is a budgetary surplus. Money is directed away from the accumulated fund (removed) when expenditures are greater than revenues and there is a [budgetary deficit](/financial plan deficit). The term accumulated fund can likewise be utilized as a generic term to depict any fund that collects money over the long haul for a specific purpose, despite the fact that it is most usually utilized related to a nonprofit organization.

Special Considerations

To be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3), an organization must not be serving any private interests, including the interests of the maker, the maker's family, shareholders of the organization, other designated people, or different people controlled by private interests. None of the net earnings in the accumulated fund of the organization can be utilized to benefit any private shareholder or individual; all earnings must be utilized exclusively for the advancement of its charitable reason or its everyday operations.

It is likewise illegal from involving its activities to influence legislation in a substantial manner, incorporating participating in any campaign activities the support or deny a specific political candidate. It is commonly not permitted to participate in lobbying (besides in occurrences when its expenditures are below a certain amount).

Accumulated Fund Example

For instance, assuming XYZ company makes monetary gifts every year that total $100,000 and XYZ just gets $99,000 for the year, it can take $1,000 from its accumulated fund to gift its full $100,000 amount for the year. On the off chance that the next year it produces $150,000 yet just gifts $100,000, it would hold the excess $50,000 in the accumulated fund.


  • Money must be directed away from the accumulated fund for purposes that advance the NPO's goal or in its daily operations.
  • Like the retained earnings of a for-profit firm, the accumulated fund develops when revenues are greater than expenses and there is a budgetary surplus.
  • An accumulated fund holds excess money received by a non-profit organization (NPO).