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What Are Arrears?

Arrears is a financial and legal term that alludes to the situation with payments corresponding to their due dates. The word is most commonly used to depict an obligation or liability that has not received payment by its due date. In this manner, the term arrears applies to an overdue payment. On the off chance that at least one payments have been missed where customary payments are contractually required, for example, mortgage or rent payments and utility or telephone bills, the account is falling behind financially. Payments that are made toward the finish of a period are likewise supposed to be financially past due. In this case, payment is expected to be made after a service is given or completed โ€” not before.

Figuring out Arrears

Arrears, or arrearage in certain cases, can be utilized to portray payments in a wide range of parts of the legal and financial industries, including the banking and credit industries, and the investment world. The term can have a wide range of applications relying upon the industry and setting wherein it is utilized.

As verified above, arrears generally alludes to any amount that is overdue after the payment due date for accounts like loans and mortgages. Basically, it means your payment is late. Accounts can likewise be financially past due for things like vehicle payments, utilities, and child support โ€” any time you have a payment due that you miss.

For instance, if your $500 loan payment is due on Jan. 15 and you miss the payment, you are falling behind financially for $500 as of the next business day. Assuming you keep making customary payments every month from that point onward, you are still falling behind financially for $500 until the time you make up the payment you missed. Additionally, assuming you paid $300 of that Jan. 15 payment, you are financially past due for $200 as of Jan. 16 until the time you pay it off and bring your account forward-thinking.

Being falling behind financially could conceivably have a negative implication relying upon how the term is utilized. At times, for example, bonds, arrears can allude to payments that are made toward the finish of a certain period. Also, mortgage interest is paid falling behind financially, meaning every regularly scheduled payment covers the principal and interest for the previous month.

Payment in Advance versus Payment falling behind financially

At the point when two gatherings come to an agreement in a contract, payment is typically made before or after a product or service is given. Payment made before a service is given is common rents, leases, prepaid telephone bills, insurance premium payments, and internet service bills. These types of payments are alluded to as payment in advance. At the point when the bill becomes overdue โ€” say 30 days past the due date for payment โ€” the account falls into arrears and the account holder might get a late notice or potentially penalty.

There are additionally occasions where bills or liabilities come due after the service has been given, for example, utility bills, property taxes, and employee salaries. These payments are known as payment financially past due, happen toward the finish of the period, and are not classified as late. They do, in any case, fall into arrears on the off chance that you don't pay them by the due date.

Being financially past due might have a negative undertone relying upon how the term is utilized.

Instances of Arrears

Arrears can likewise be applied to occurrences in the banking and credit industry. One model is for annuity payments. An annuity, for example, a loan repayment is a series of equivalent amounts of payment that happens at equivalent time stretches โ€” say for $250 each month for quite a long time. In the event that the annuities are due toward the finish of the period, for example, mortgage payments, they are called a ordinary annuity or [annuity in arrears](/annuity-financially past due).

A few loans have interest financially past due. This means that the interest is due to be paid on the maturity date of the loan, rather than in bits and pieces during the life of the loan like an annuity payment.

Arrearage additionally applies to dividends that are due however have not been paid to preferred shareholders. Since preferred shares have guaranteed dividends whether or not the company creates a gain or not, dividends are supposed to be financially past due on the off chance that the company misses a cumulative dividend payment. The dividends financially past due must be unveiled in the footnotes to the financial statement. The company is likewise restricted from making any dividend payouts to common shareholders until it settles its dividends payable account.

Interest payments on bonds, meanwhile, are typically paid falling behind financially. At the point when an issuer makes $50 coupon payments semi-yearly, this means the interest on the bond would need to accrue for a very long time before any payment is made to the bondholders.


  • Being falling behind financially might not have a negative implication, as in cases when payment is expected after a service is given or completed, not before.
  • Arrears is a financial and legal term that most commonly portrays an obligation or liability that has not received payment by its due date.
  • Annuities are called annuities financially past due (or ordinary annuities) when payments are due toward the finish of the period.
  • Arrearage applies to dividends that are due however have not been paid to preferred shareholders.


Does Arrears Mean Late?

Arrears alludes to a debt or payment that is as yet outstanding after the payment due date has passed. It is inseparable from the payment being late.

What Kinds of Payments Can Be financially past due?

Any overdue payment can be financially past due. The absolute most common types of payments to be financially past due incorporate payroll, mortgage, rent, vehicle payment, child support, credit card, and taxes.

Is Being financially past due Always Negative?

Not in certain unique situations, for example, in bond trading, when arrears is a reference to payments that are made toward the finish of a predefined period. Mortgage interest payments are paid financially past due and possibly propose a negative undertone when the due date has passed.