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Attained Age

Attained Age

What Is Attained Age?

Attained age is the age at which the beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan (or another age-subordinate plan) can receive benefits or pull out funds. Attained age can be any age at which benefits are received. At times, the person might need to make a move when they arrive at the attained age, for example, resigning from a company.

Attained age is most commonly used to allude to the age of an insured person on a given date.

Figuring out Attained Age

Attained age can likewise be utilized to work out pricing for insurance policies that set payments as indicated by the policy holder's age, called an attained-age policy. An attained-age policy is a policy where premiums depend on your age at enrollment. While the prices will be lower when you initially select, prices might increase as you age. For instance, assume that Jill bought her plan at age 65 for $120. Her premium increased to $125 at age 66 and $128 at age 67. Attained-age rating is among the most common pricing methods in the United States.

Attained age is one of three methods that insurance companies regularly use to price their Medigap plans. Medigap is health care coverage given by private companies intended to pay for healthcare services that are not covered by Medicare plans. As a rule, there are three types of Medigap policies. Different methods for Medigap pricing are issue-age ratings and community ratings.

Community-rated policies consider different factors, for example, in which postal district the insured lives or whether they use tobacco. This type of pricing is maybe the most clear. Generally, you pay similar rate as others living in your area no matter what your orientation. With this method, most Medicare beneficiaries are lumped into a similar group. For instance, Jill and Frank are various ages and various sexes however they pay a similar premium for Plan X from company ABC.

Issue-age-rated policies are fairly more uncommon. With issue-age ratings, your premium depends on your entry age and will likewise go up due to inflation and different factors. In theory, when you buy an issue-age rated policy, the carrier will constantly price you at the age at which you bought the policy. For instance, Jack bought his plan at 65 and pays $120. Leah bought a similar plan at age 70 and pays $150. While this might appear to be alluring, these policies (contingent upon your state) frequently have a lot higher starting premiums.

All Medigap policies have rate increases to keep up with inflation. Generally, they are generally conservative increases (since the state insurance department must initially support any increase). Likewise, in light of the fact that attained-age rated policies are so common, they address the greatest group of insured policyholders. This assists with limiting and spread the insurance risk out over many individuals, consequently keeping pricing on this particular type of policy exceptionally competitive.


  • Attained age can likewise be utilized to work out pricing for insurance policies that set payments as indicated by the policy holder's age, called an attained-age policy.
  • Attained age is most commonly used to allude to the age of an insured person on a given date.
  • Attained age is the age at which the beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan (or another age-subordinate plan) can receive benefits or pull out funds.
  • An attained-age policy is a policy wherein premiums depend on your age at enrollment.