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Inventory Carrying Cost

Inventory Carrying Cost

What Is Inventory Carrying Cost?

Inventory carrying cost, or carrying costs, is an accounting term that recognizes all business expenses connected with holding and putting away unsold goods. The total figure would incorporate the connected costs of warehousing, salaries, transportation and dealing with, taxes, and insurance as well as depreciation, shrinkage, and opportunity costs.

Total carrying costs are in many cases displayed as a percentage of a business' total inventory in a specific time span. The figure is utilized by businesses to determine how much income can be earned in light of current inventory levels. It likewise assists a business with determining in the event that there is a need to create pretty much to keep an ideal income stream.

Understanding Inventory Carrying Cost

Inventory carrying costs are frequently alluded to just as holding costs. Accountants are responsible for recording the connected costs however there's all's likewise a carrying cost formula for assessing the total: Take the total value of the inventory and gap by four to get a reasonable speculation at inventory carrying costs.

For retailers specifically, inventory and its associated costs address a substantial percentage of current assets on the balance sheet. Thusly, the management of inventory flows can enormously influence the costs of carrying that inventory.

Carrying costs likewise can straightforwardly affect the cost of capital and future cash flows created by the company.

The Intangibles

The unmistakable costs of putting away inventory like storage, taking care of, and it are clear to protect goods. More subtle are the intangibles, for example, the opportunity cost of the money that was utilized to purchase the inventory, and the cost of weakening and obsolescence of goods in storage.


A carrying cost formula: partition the total value of the stored inventory by four to get a good guess.

Opportunity cost is generally defined as the price of previous other, perhaps more worthwhile purposes for money that is being tied up in stored goods.

The cost of obsolescence will be recorded as a write-off. Transient or in vogue inventory has a higher cost of obsolescence than durable or staple things.

Illustration of Inventory Carrying Cost

A company could have an inventory carrying cost of 20%. Its average annual value of inventory is $1 million. The annual inventory carrying cost would be $200,000, or 20% of $1 million.

Carrying costs generally run between 20 percent and 30 percent of the total cost of inventory, despite the fact that it changes relying upon the industry and the business size.

At the point when the company is public, analysts monitor its inventory carrying costs over the long run for big changes and furthermore compare its inventory carrying costs against those of others in its peer group.


  • Inventory carrying cost is the total of all expenses connected with putting away unsold goods.
  • A business' inventory carrying costs will generally total around 20% to 30% of its total inventory costs.
  • The total incorporates intangibles like depreciation and lost opportunity cost as well as warehousing costs.