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What Is a Conservatorship?

Conservatorship is a legal status to which a court chooses a person to deal with the financial and personal affairs of a minor or debilitated person. A conservator may likewise act as a guardian who is responsible for laying out and monitoring the physical care of the individual and dealing with their living arrangements.

How a Conservatorship Works

Conservatorship generally alludes to the assignment of a conservator by a court to deal with the financial and personal affairs of a crippled or uncouth individual, minor, or more established grown-up with limited capacity. By and large, a conservatorship and a guardianship are unique, yet a similar person can serve in the two jobs. A guardianship generally involves the arrangement of a person to supervise the physical and medical care of an individual with limited capacity.

Conservatorships can be general or limited. Under an overall conservatorship, a conservatee โ€” the person under the conservatorship โ€” ordinarily has practically zero dynamic powers. A limited conservatorship permits the conservatee to keep a majority of control over their financial and personal affairs, with the exception of what the court orders the conservator to supervise.

The wording of conservatorships can shift in various locales. In certain purviews and states, a conservatorship is alluded to as a guardianship, and conservators are at times called [trustees](/legal administrator). In California, the two jobs are called conservatorship, with the guardian job named "conservator of the person" and the financial job called "conservator of the estate."

Each state has its own laws that administer conservatorships.

Types of Conservatorship

There are two methods for laying out a conservatorship, contingent upon whether it's for an individual or a corporation or organization.


A court order will lay out a conservatorship for a minor or an individual minor or a person with physical or intellectual disabilities. Individuals requiring conservatorship might incorporate individuals who are self-destructive or who battle with psychosis, dementia, or intellectual disabilities that render the person unfit to make legal, financial, and medical choices for their own benefit.

Elderly individuals โ€” explicitly those with Alzheimer's or dementia โ€” are likewise included among individuals who might fall under a conservatorship. For conservatorships of individuals, mental capacity not entirely settled by a specialist, psychologist, or physician with broad experience and training to analyze conditions like dementia. Each conclusion or determination must be documented and confirmed before a conservatorship over an individual can be ordered.

At times, the person subject to the conservatorship can sue to have it eliminated sometime in the future assuming they accept it is as of now excessive. A high-profile model is the conservatorship of pop star Britney Spears. In June 2021, she requested that a court end a 13-year conservatorship managed by her dad and a legal counselor, which was put in place after she had a few exceptionally public mental breakdowns. Under the conservatorship, Spears lost control of financial choices as well as numerous personal choices. A judge governed to end the conservatorship in November 2021.

Organizations and corporations

A statutory or controlling authority makes a conservatorship for an organization or corporation. On account of government control of private organizations or corporations, conservatorship involves authority that is brief.

One model is the conservatorship of Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC). The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) acts as a conservator for these two agencies. The conservatorships, laid out during the financial crisis of 2008, permitted government intervention in the agencies' management in response to financial tensions from the decay of the housing market. In recent years, steps have been taken to change Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship.


  • Guardianship is normally the arrangement of a person to direct the physical and medical care of a person with limited capacity, or a minor.
  • A conservatorship and a guardianship are generally not the equivalent, yet one person can serve in the two jobs.
  • A conservatorship is the point at which a court selects somebody to deal with a minor or crippled person's financial and personal affairs.


When Is a Conservatorship Needed?

As a general rule, a conservatorship is laid out when somebody can't deal with their financial, legal, or medical affairs. Instances of such a person incorporate somebody with dementia or a person with intellectual disabilities.

What's the Difference Between a Conservatorship and a Guardianship?

A conservatorship is a court order that names somebody to supervise the financial affairs of a minor or a person who is crippled. A guardianship commonly includes the arrangement of somebody to deal with the medical and physical care of a person with limited capacity, or a minor. One person can serve in the two jobs.

What Is the Role of a Conservator?

A conservator is a court-designated job. The conservator is responsible for dealing with the financial and personal affairs of a debilitated, person, or a minor. Conservators are subject to investigation by the court. For instance, they frequently must document their management of the conservatee's finances.