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Crown Jewels

Crown Jewels

What Are Crown Jewels?

Crown jewels allude to the most significant unit(s) of a corporation as defined by qualities, for example, profitability, asset value, and future possibilities. This could be the line of business that delivers the most famous thing that a company sells, or maybe the department that holds all of the intellectual property for a project that is believed to be of great value in the future whenever it is done.

Understanding Crown Jewels

Crown jewels are in many cases the most significant part of a company. At the point when there is a takeover endeavor by another company, frequently the goal of the getting company will be to get the data and operations that make up the crown jewels of the target. This occurs so regularly that there is a takeover defense strategy named the "crown gem defense."

The crown jewels of a corporation are intensely protected, just permitting certain individuals access to trade secrets and proprietary data, as these operations should be visible as highly particular from contenders' capacities and are many times worth truckload of cash.

A company can utilize this crown gem defense by making anti-takeover conditions that urge the sale of their crown jewels assuming a hostile takeover happens. The reasoning is that this ought to deflect would-be acquirers from endeavoring to take the firm finished, since the acquirer wouldn't receive the ideal operations or data assuming they continued with the takeover.

The starting points of this term are derived from the most significant and important fortunes that sovereigns had.

Sale of Crown Jewels

The sale of the crown jewels of a company is many times an uncommon endeavor to avert a hostile takeover or let the serious financial stress free from a debt burden. Regardless, a company's best operating assets are sold, basically changing the whole idea of the company and leaving it with an alternate set of growth possibilities and shareholder support.

At the point when a company is too overburdened with debt and is at risk for defaulting on payments, it very well might be forced to sell crown jewels to ease the stress and stay away from conceivable bankruptcy. Other operating assets or divisions of the company may not get high an adequate number of prices to eliminate the threat that a overleveraged balance sheet presents. The crown jewels must be sold so the company gets by as a going concern.

The sale of crown jewels will generally leave the remainders of a company in less alluring or more slow developing markets. There might be a decline in the brand equity value of the company, and decreased sales and earnings growth possibilities coming about because of the loss of capable management, product innovation, manufacturing proficiency, or geographic markets. Shareholders who invested in light of the crown jewels would normally escape in the event that they are sold.


  • The crown jewels might be physical assets or intangibles like licenses or intellectual property and trade privileged insights.
  • The crown gem defense is a hostile takeover defense that includes the sale of the target firm's crown jewels to make it less attractive to the acquirer.
  • The crown jewels are a company's most valued and significant assets.