Investor's wiki

Entry Point

Entry Point

What Is an Entry Point?

An entry point alludes to the price at which an investor starts a position in a security. A trade entry can be initiated with either a buy order for a long position, or sell order for a short position. The entry point is typically a part of a foreordained trading strategy for limiting investment risk and removing the feeling from trading choices. A decent entry point is in many cases the most vital phase in achieving an effective trade.

Understanding Entry Points

To partake in an investment, one must participate in a transaction, buy or sell, that permits them access to the ideal security and the price at which they execute is the entry point. For instance, an investor investigates and distinguishes an appealing stock, however feels that it's overpriced. They will buy in the event that the price diminishes to a certain level. This is defined as the entry point. Practicing persistence and waiting for the right chance to buy assists investors with earning better returns on their investments. Deciding both an entry point and exit point in advance is important for boosting returns. Investors must guarantee there is adequate distance between the entry and exit point to permit a risk-reward ratio that is helpful for supported portfolio growth.

Streamlining Entry Points

Trending Markets: Good entry points in a trending market come after a short counter-pattern move or a period of consolidation. Investors can utilize trendlines, moving averages, and indicators to assist with deciding suitable sections. For instance, on the chart below, there was a confluence of support that created a high likelihood entry point at the $34 level. Prices had returned to the trendline; the stochastic oscillator was below 20, which suggested the stock was oversold; and the 60-day moving average was going about as support. Furthermore, a spinning top candlestick pattern framed after a period of selling which implied that the counter-pattern move was closing. As should be visible on the chart, this ended up being a decent entry point.

Range Bound Markets: Suitable entry points in range bound markets are commonly close to key support and resistance levels. Utilizing trendlines to interface pinnacles and box assists with characterizing support and resistance areas on a chart. For example, the chart below has a trading range somewhere in the range of $22 and 27.5. A high likelihood entry point for a long trade would be close to the support trendline, while a high likelihood entry point for a short position would be close to the resistance trendline. Investors who utilize this method for choosing an entry point might sit tight for a head-fake move above or below a huge support or resistance level before taking a trade.

Smoothing out Entry Points

Trade sections can be streamlined by utilizing a severe set of rules. For instance, an investor's trading strategy may possibly produce an entry point when a stock crosses its 200-day moving average and the moving average convergence divergence signal line crosses 0. To computerize the interaction further, entry points can be customized into trading calculations that naturally place trades when the conditions are met. Calculations ought to likewise incorporate exit points and risk management rules.


  • Investors can utilize trendlines, moving averages, and indicators to assist with deciding suitable sections.
  • A decent entry point is many times the most important phase in achieving a fruitful trade.
  • Entry point alludes to the price at which an investor buys or sells a security.