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Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

What Is the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis?

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is one of 12 reserve banks in the Federal Reserve System (FRS). The bank is responsible for the Ninth Federal Reserve District whose region incorporates Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and its home state of Minnesota, as well as parts of Wisconsin and Michigan.

Understanding the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is responsible for executing the central bank's monetary policy by assessing price inflation and economic growth and by controlling the banks an inside its area. Also, as illustrated on the Federal Reserve website, it upholds the U.S. central bank's mission to keep up with the stability of the financial system, foster payment and settlement system safety and productivity, and advance consumer protection and community development.

Like the 11 other reserve banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis gives cash to banks inside its district, as well as monitoring electronic deposits. The leader of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is part of a rotation of bank presidents who, alongside the seven governors of the Federal Reserve Board, meet to set open market operations. This is alluded to as the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Likewise with all reserve banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has a nine-member board of directors, six of which are chosen by member banks in the district and the leftover three designated by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Qualities and Organization

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is the third-biggest bank in terms of the region it controls, behind the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Banknotes printed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis are signified by the mark "I9," addressing the 10th district (I is likewise the 10th letter of the alphabet).

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has been driven by Bank President Neel Kashkari beginning around 2016. Like other Fed bank presidents, Kashkari publicly shares his policy sees in the media and through the publication of bylined articles. Throughout the long term, the perspectives on bank presidents and the research done by each bank have molded their reputation inside the Federal Reserve System. Kashkari, for instance, has contradicted from the FOMC's choices to raise interest rates several times since getting down to business and every now and again imparts his perspectives by means of Twitter.

Each fed bank has its own research staff that is responsible for directing and distributing scholastic level economic research connected with Fed policy. Each bank likewise has a staff that tracks economic activity in their district, ordered in a publication known as the Beige Book that is distributed eight times each year.


  • The Minneapolis Fed serves the Ninth Federal Reserve District, which covers the states of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota; the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; and 26 counties in northern Wisconsin.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis contains one of 12 reserve banks in the Federal Reserve System.
  • Settled in Minneapolis, MN, a branch office is likewise situated in Helena, MT.