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Nest Egg

Nest Egg

What Is a Nest Egg?

A nest egg is a substantial sum of money or different assets that have been saved or invested for a specific purpose. Such assets are generally reserved for longer-term objectives, the most common being retirement, buying a home, and education.

The term can likewise allude to money kept aside as a reserve to deal with unexpected crises, for example, a medical problem or dire housing repairs. "Nest egg" has been utilized to allude to savings since the late seventeenth century. The term is accepted to have been derived from poultry farmers' strategy of putting eggs — both real and phony — in hens' nests to actuate them to lay more eggs, which implied more income for these farmers.

Nest Eggs Explained

The preeminent investment objective of a nest egg is generally saving capital, since it addresses funds that have been accumulated throughout a significant time. Nonetheless, the portfolio ought to likewise have a growth part to offset the effects of inflation over the long haul. A nest egg ought to regularly be invested in generally conservative instruments like certificates of deposit, bonds, and profit paying blue chips. The specific allocation of these securities inside a nest egg ought to be founded on asset allocation principles as well as the investor's risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment objectives.

It would be imprudence to invest nest egg proceeds in certain unpredictable investments in order to accomplish a high rate of return. These investments incorporate commodities, small-cap stocks, and currencies since their inherent volatility makes them less appropriate for conservative investing.

The Importance of a Nest Egg

For a long time, a common objective for individuals was to save a nest egg of something like $1 million to live serenely in retirement. Arriving at that sum would, in theory, permit the individual to support themselves on their retirement investment income generated annually. In view of annual inflation, be that as it may, the ideal size of a nest egg keeps on expanding as the purchasing power of the dollar decreases.

A nest egg ought to normally be invested in moderately conservative instruments like certificates of deposit, bonds, and profit paying blue chips.

Notwithstanding cash and securities, different assets that are expected to fill in value and generate a positive return on investment after some time could make up part of a nest egg. Valued work of art and other rare collectibles might be held as assets to appreciate and later potentially sold to give the hard currency to retirement.

Real estate in a prime location that is moreover held in ownership with the expectation of the property value expanding could likewise be part of a nest egg. Even on the off chance that they don't foster the actual property, a landowner could hold on to real estate expecting its value will increase and that a buyer will offer them the return they look for. The proceeds from the sale could then go towards their retirement.


  • Such assets are generally reserved for longer-term objectives, the most common being retirement, buying a home, and education.
  • A nest egg ought to regularly be invested in generally conservative instruments like certificates of deposit, bonds, and profit paying blue chips.
  • A nest egg is a substantial sum of money or different assets that have been saved or invested for a specific purpose.