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What Is Obamanomics?

Obamanomics portrays the economic policies of the administration of former President Barack Obama, with the term consolidating "Obama" and "economics." The term is regularly associated with the tax policies, healthcare changes, and economic stimulus programs enacted by the Obama Administration in response to the Great Recession of 2008.

Figuring out Obamanomics

As is much of the time the case in politics, the exact implications of Obamanomics will rely upon the political perspectives on the analyst being referred to. The people who favor a more activist job in the economy for the federal government to safeguard the economic interests of Americans might see the term impartially or even with endorsement. The people who lean toward less federal association in picking victors and washouts in the economy and impeding the economic efficiency of free markets might see the term, and the policies it addresses, ominously.

For allies of Obamanomics, the term is frequently associated with a great perspective on the Obama Administration's economic stimulus policies. Instances of these policies incorporate the 2009 entry of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, (ARRA) which was a $831 billion economic stimulus package; and the 2009 bailout of the U.S. automobile industry, which was on the verge of collapse around then. Numerous Obama allies view him in brave terms, as one who saved the economy from certain doom by executing this economic stimulus plan.

Other remarkable policies associated with Obamanomics incorporate the raising of income taxes on top level salary workers; the inconvenience of a cap, or "sequester," on military and discretionary spending; and the section of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise called Obamacare.

To detractors, the term Obamanomics has meanings of increased government spending, taxation, and regulation, and a dangerous slide toward socialism and a command economy. In effect, Obama's faultfinders view Obamanomics as an unwanted expansion of the job of government in the economy. As such, Obamanomics can be appeared differently in relation to Reaganomics, which alludes to the economic policies of ex-President Ronald Reagan. While Obamanomics is associated with an expanded government job, Reaganomics is associated with lower taxes, diminished government spending, and less regulations.

Utilization of Term Obamanomics

While certain pundits utilize the term Obamanomics in a positive or negative light, many use it to just allude to the economic policies of President Obama, with next to no essentially positive or negative meanings.

Obamanomics and the ARRA

Allies of Obamanomics claim that the critical financial situation of the U.S. economy that welcomed Obama when he was chosen in 2008 required a strong government response. These conditions incorporated a taking off fiscal deficit, falling housing market, tumbling stock market, fears of a banking-area collapse following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and emotional job losses.

Obama's signature response to these issues was the quintessential stimulus act, the ARRA, which increased government spending by more than $800 billion for the decade spreading over 2009 through 2019. The ARRA is an illustration of Keynesian economic theory, which incorporates the concept of government deficit spending as a method for invigorating economic aggregate demand and reduce unemployment through the multiplier effect.

Allies claimed that the spending was centered around saving and making jobs that were compromised by the financial crisis in progress around then, while likewise investing in regions like wellbeing, education, and civil infrastructure. In any case, Harvard economist N. Gregory Mankiw and different pundits later called attention to that the ARRA seemed to have made the contrary difference, and actually increased unemployment relative to the benchmarks projected by the Act's defenders, by crowding out private investment and other economic instruments.


  • Pundits of Obamanomics view it as addressing an undue expansion of the government's economic job, including increased government spending, taxation, and regulation.
  • Instances of these policies incorporate the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was a $831 billion economic stimulus package, and the 2009 bailout of the U.S. automobile industry.
  • Obamanomics alludes to the economic policies of former U.S. President Barack Obama.
  • It is frequently diverged from Reaganomics, another well known term alluding to the economic policies of former President Ronald Reagan.
  • The term is frequently associated with the stimulus programs used to combat the Great Recession.