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What Is Sequestration?

Sequestration is a term adopted by Congress to portray a backup fiscal policy mechanism to implement budgetary discipline over agreed-upon deficit reduction targets laid out under the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA).

Sequestration, or "the sequester," is a technique by which arranged spending increases are directed by pre-indicated percentages in the event that Congress neglects to consent to a budget that meets agreed-upon covers on spending increases. These covers are set by the BCA before a predefined date every year over the term of the sequester.

It is important to note that however sequestration is frequently alluded to as a program of "spending cuts," it forces no actual reductions to spending except for just limits spending to more modest increases than certain legislators, special interests, and Congress members would like.

Grasping Sequestration

Under the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA), Congress agreed to a series of covers on increased spending for every year through 2021. Congress passed the BCA to help resolve the debt ceiling crisis of 2011. This act increased the United States' debt ceiling and laid out a 12 member committee (the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or the "super committee") to reduce the deficit by an extra $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion over the course of the next decade.

Part of the BCA, otherwise called the debt ceiling compromise, called for sequestration assuming the super committee failed to agree, generating automatic spending increase limits for every one of the nine years (fiscal years 2013-2021).

This committee couldn't agree, and the American Taxpayer Relief Act pushed the budget cuts back until March 1, 2013. With Congress still unfit to agree, sequestration was approved and became real on March 4, 2013.

Sequestration Reductions

With the sequester in place, as actual budget spending is set by Congress in each successive year, the BCA coordinates the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to survey whether these covers will be surpassed by the arranged spending increases. In the event that they are, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) determines whether the law expects that sequestration will be forced and how much the sequestered reduction in arranged spending increases will be.

These sequester percentage reductions in arranged spending increases determined by the OMB, in theory, would apply across the board to essentially all federal discretionary and mandatory spending. In any case, alongside passing annual budgets every year, Congress has likewise raised the covers on increases in discretionary spending for every year to oblige higher spending increases, with the goal that federal discretionary spending has never actually been subject to sequestration.

Exemptions on Mandatory Spending

Albeit the spending increase limits are "across the board," most mandatory spending is actually exempt from spending covers and sequestration. This incorporates Social Security, veterans' programs, Medicaid, and other low-income assistance programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), and net interest on the federal debt.

In recent years, Congress has likewise acted to grow the categories of spending that are exempt. "In particular, budget authority that is designated as an emergency requirement or accommodated overseas contingency operations, like military activities in Afghanistan, prompts an increase in the covers, as financial plans authority accommodated a few types of disaster relief or for certain program integrity drives."

Some mandatory federal spending has been subject to the sequester spending increase limits throughout the long term. For these programs, arranged and projected spending increases are compared to the statutory spending covers, and in the event that they surpass the limits, the calculated reduction percentages are applied to limit the increase in spending.

In ordinary terms, for mandatory spending subject to covers and sequestration, this cycle is comparable to a family concurring they will increase their household spending by $100 next month, then jointly make arrangements to increase spending by $200 next month, then lessening that increase by half so they end up just actually spending an extra $100, and afterward calling this a spending cut.


  • On the off chance that spending surpasses these covers, the government should limit arranged increases in spending by a percentage determined as spread out by the law.
  • Medicare had sequestration exemptions limited to 2% maximum proposed cuts.
  • In practice, most federal spending is exempt or generally not subject to limits by sequestration as Congress consistently raises its own spending covers and legally exempts new categories of spending.
  • The BCA set targets for deficit reduction and covers on the increase in federal spending in every year from 2013 to 2021.
  • Sequestration is a U.S. federal fiscal limitation policy put into place under the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA).


When Was Sequestration Passed?

Sequestration was part of the 2011 Budget Control Act and became effective in 2013.

Is Sequestration Still in Effect Today?

The Budget Control Act required that $1.2 trillion in federal spending be cut throughout the span of nine years. Thus, except if Congress changes the law, federal spending will be subject to sequestration until the year 2022.

What Is the 2% Medicare Sequester?

Under the BCA, federal Medicare benefit payments and Medicare Integrity Program spending couldn't be cut by over 2%.