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What Is a Ring-Fence?

A ring-fence is a virtual barrier that isolates a portion of an individual's or alternately company's financial assets from the rest. This might be finished to reserve money for a specific purpose, to reduce taxes on the individual or company, or to safeguard the assets from losses incurred by less secure operations.

Moving a portion of assets offshore to reduce a financial backer's net worth or lower the taxes due on income is one instance of ring-fencing.

Grasping Ring-Fences

The term has its beginnings in the ring-fences that are worked to keep farm animals in and hunters out. In financial accounting, it is utilized to portray a number of strategies that are employed to shield a portion of assets from being mixed with the rest.

Another British law that came full circle toward the beginning of 2019 requires financial institutions to ring-fence their regular banking activities from their investment arms.

The ring-fence might include transferring a portion of assets starting with one jurisdiction then onto the next that has lower or no taxes or less onerous regulations. On the other hand, saving the money in reserve for a specific purpose might be expected.

It likewise might be finished to bring in the money inaccessible for another purpose. That is the intent of another British law, known as the ring-fencing law, which came full circle toward the beginning of 2019.

The law requires financial institutions to ring-fence their consumer banking activities to safeguard customer bank deposits from potential investment banking losses. The institutions were forced to reproduce their banking arms as separate elements, each with its own board.

The intent of the law is to thwart another bank bailout like the one that followed the 2008 financial crisis. The government bailout was forced by the perceived weakness of ordinary consumers and their savings to a collapse of the big banking institutions.

Offshore Ring-Fencing

In the U.S., the term is frequently used to depict the transfer of assets starting with one jurisdiction then onto the next, normally offshore, to reduce a financial backer's irrefutable income or reduce the financial backer's tax bill. It likewise might be utilized to shield a few assets from seizure by debt holders.

Ring-fencing assets to reduce taxation or keep away from regulation might be legal the length of it stays inside the limits set in the laws and regulations of the nation of origin. The limit commonly is a certain percentage of the annual net worth of the business or individual, implying that the dollar amount will differ after some time.

Ring-fencing can likewise portray earmarking assets for a particular purpose. For instance, a savings account might be ring-fenced for retirement. A company might ring-fence its pension fund to shield it from being depleted for other business expenditures.


  • A ring-fence in finance is a protective move to isolate a few assets from the whole.
  • All the more widely, ring-fencing can shield a portion of assets from certain risks.
  • Offshore banking is here and there alluded to as ring-fencing assets.