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Articles related to the category "Fund Trading"

3(c)(7) Exemption3C1ABA Bank IndexAbsolute Return IndexAbu Dhabi Investment Council (ADIC)Active Index FundActivist InvestorAll-Ordinaries Stock IndexAttribution AnalysisBaltic Dry Index (BDI)Blind BidBroad-Based IndexCapitalization-Weighted IndexCapped IndexCertificate of Deposit Index (CODI)CMBX IndexesCNX NiftyCompositeDedicated Short BiasDow DivisorDow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA)Dow Jones U.S. Total Market IndexEconomic and Social Stabilization Fund (Chile)Enhanced Index Fund (EIF)FT Wilshire 5000 Index (FTW5000)FTSE RAFI US 1000 IndexFund FlowFund ManagerFund of Funds (FOF)Gate ProvisionGlobal Macro Hedge FundGlobal Macro StrategyGross ExposureGrowth FundHedge Fund ManagerHigh-Water MarkHybrid FundIncentive FeeIndexIndex DivisorIndex FundIndex InvestingInstant History BiasInstitutional InvestorISM Non-Manufacturing IndexLiquid AlternativesLock-Up PeriodLong-Term Capital Management (LTCM)Managed AccountManagement FeeMarket BasketMaster-Feeder StructureMoney ManagerMontreal Carbon PledgeMSCI BRIC IndexNasdaq 100 IndexNasdaq Composite IndexNet ExposureNY Empire State IndexNYSE Composite IndexOffshorePassive InvestingPassive ManagementPerformance FeePerformance-Based IndexPlacement AgentPortfolio InsurancePortfolio PumpingProfitability IndexProp ShopPublic Investment Fund of Saudi ArabiaRedemptionRedemption SuspensionRelative Value FundReturn of CapitalRun on the FundRussell 1000 IndexRussell 2500 IndexRussell 3000 IndexRussell 3000 Value IndexRussell Top 50 IndexS&P 500 Pure Value IndexS&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI)Short HedgeShort-Term Investment Fund (STIF)Side PocketSTOXXTheoretical Dow Jones IndexTotal Return IndexTwo and TwentyValue Line Composite IndexWindow DressingZacks Lifecycle Indices