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What Is Cliometrics?

Cliometrics is a method of applying formal economic models and econometric analysis to historical trends and occasions. Cliometrics revolutionized the study of economic history and stands as opposed to prior methods of economic history, which will generally depend on qualitative, interpretive, and story methods. Cliometrics started to create during the 1950s and 60s and the Cliometric Society was established in 1983. In 1993, Douglass North and Robert Fogel shared the Nobel Prize in Economics for their spearheading work in cliometrics.

Cliometrics is additionally called econometric history and new economic history.

Figuring out Cliometrics

Cliometrics is an area of economic study that endeavors to utilize historical data to model economic principles. Cliometrics utilizes economic theory and econometrics to gain knowledge into the past with modeling and statistics. The data utilized in the analysis incorporate large pools of full scale level data in regards to population and behavior trends, like census data. Cliometrics is connected with cliodynamics, which is the overall application of modern mathematical and statistical models to historical data sets in different areas past economics.

Scholarly diaries that deal with cliometrics are the Economic History Review, Cliometrica, and Explorations in Economic History. Instances of article subjects remember nineteenth-century labor productivity for the United States and the United Kingdom, credit rationing and crowding out during the Industrial Revolution, and the relationship among population and real wages in Italian history.

Prior ways to deal with economic history would in general depend on the qualitative and story methods natural to history specialists and decipher the economic parts of historical investigation as contingent on the particular or unique historical conditions of a given time span or setting. In any case, throughout the span of the primary half of the twentieth century, the practice of economics was largely transformed by the development and broad adoption of neoclassical mathematical models, econometric statistical analysis, the assortment and utilization of large economic datasets like national accounts, and computing technology to realize practical application of these apparatuses. Cliometrics is just the consistent extension of this transformation into the field of economic history in light of these four points of support.

Neoclassical Modeling

Economic models developed during the twentieth century commonly look to portray universal laws of economic behavior in light of certain suppositions about rational individuals can be expected to act given the conditions of scarcity and limited decisions introduced to them. Except if human rationality is just a recent development, early cliometricians contended, then the economic speculations in light of it ought to apply to current economic occasions, yet in addition to economic peculiarities 100 or quite a while back.


To test economic speculations, econometricians adjust formal economic models to consolidate quantifiable economic data and investigate whether the detectable statistical relationships among these data sets concur with the ramifications of the hypothetical models. For economic history, cliometricians contend, this means that contending clarifications of historical occasions, for example, the Industrial Revolution never again should be basically viewed as differences of assessment with respect to how some antiquarian decides to decipher the historical record, yet they can rather be thoroughly tried and compared to kill erroneous historical speculations.

Historical Data

Cliometricians underscore the utilization of large data sets of historical information with respect to prices, amounts of goods, salaries, and other applicable economic factors. Huge collections of these data sets were at that point accessible as mercantile records and distributed financial reports dating back years, many years, or now and again hundreds of years, yet they were largely disregarded by previous economic history specialists or simply specifically used to support their accounts. In part, this was just due to the inaccessibility of the appropriate mathematical and physical devices to handle and utilize large quantitative data sets.

Computer Technology

For cliometrics, the last piece of the riddle was modern computing technology. Computers make conceivable the processing of large numbers of mathematical operations on large data sets. Without them, computing the statistics and relationships between them that are required for the testing of speculations derived from economic theory in regards to economic history would be unimaginable.


  • Cliometrics developed during the twentieth century and revolutionized the study of economic history, which had previously been overwhelmed by additional qualitative methods.
  • Prior ways to deal with economic history would in general depend on the qualitative and story methods natural to antiquarians.
  • Cliometrics remains on four points of support: mathematical modeling of economic theory, econometrics, large economic historical data sets, and computing technology to handle the numerous fundamental estimations.
  • Cliometrics is the application of mathematical economics and econometrics to the study of economic history.