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General Motors Indicator

General Motors Indicator

What Is the General Motors Indicator?

The term General Motors indicator alludes to a economic indicator that directly interfaces the achievement and disappointment of GM to the performance of the U.S. economy and stock market. The theory proposes that when General Motors gets along admirably, the American economy and overall stock market will answer in much the same way.

The individuals who buy into the GM indicator theory likewise trust that assuming the company encounters a slump, the economy and stock market will likewise fall. The theory depends on the assumption that consumer confidence in the economy and market leads individuals to buy another vehicle.

How the General Motors Indicator Works

Economic indicators are utilized by [economists](/financial expert), governments, and investors to decipher economic data to judge the wellbeing of a country's economy. This, thus, can assist them with forming their analysis and investment choices. A portion of the key indicators that we use incorporate gross domestic product (GDP), the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and the month to month occupations report.

Indicators don't necessarily need to be so formal. As a matter of fact, there are numerous economic indicators that can give a unique perspective on the state of the economy — some appear to be more interesting than others. Among them are the Olympics Indicator, the Buttered Popcorn Indicator, and the High Heel Indicator.

Like other unusual indicators, the General Motors Indicator depends vigorously on income levels and consumer confidence. It recommends that when consumer confidence is high — for the most part when individuals have enough disposable income — people are bound to make big purchases like new cars. At the point when that occurs, says the GM indicator, the economy and the stock market will thrive.

The second element behind the GM Indicator is established in the company's stock price. It estimates that economic stability can be anticipated by how G.M. share prices move. In the event that they climb, the market can hope to see some economic stability. On the other hand, when the stock price drops, this volatility may lead to increased economic misfortunes or even an approaching recession for the United States.

History of the General Motors Indicator

The automotive industry has been one of the main sectors of the U.S. economy as a result of its contribution to the country's GDP and the number of occupations it makes. General Motors, notwithstanding Ford and Fiat Chrysler, is among the Big Three automakers in the country. While the collective market share of the vehicle industry held by these three companies used to be a lot higher in the twentieth century, the "Big Three" actually control about half of all automobile sales in the United States.

There is still a lot of speculation about how direct the correlation is between auto sales and the overall economy. A few observers claim the GM indicator had more weight during the 1970s and 1980s when General Motors was, by a wide margin, the biggest carmaker in North America. From that point forward, the company's significance to the U.S. economy has declined due to an increase in competition and overall economic conditions.

Moreover, the rise of rideshare services, as well as worries about the environment, have made car sales a less dependable measure of the economy's wellbeing.

Special Considerations

Notwithstanding the increase in competition from domestic and foreign vehicle manufacturers, General Motors was one of the companies most profoundly affected by the financial crisis. On June 1, 2009, the company declared bankruptcy and accepted a bailout from the federal government.

On Nov. 16, 2010, one year in the wake of filing for bankruptcy, GM raised an estimated $20.1 billion in its IPO, making it one of the biggest IPOs of all time.

While GM actually makes up an important part of the U.S. economy, it's unmistakable the overall market and economy depend less on the performance of one automaker than it did during the 1970s.


  • The General Motors Indicator directly connects the achievement and disappointment of GM to the performance of the U.S. economy and the stock market as a whole.
  • Numerous observers accept that the GM indicator carried substantially more weight during the 1970s and 80s when GM had a lot more extensive control of the vehicle industry's market share.
  • One more use for the indicator lies in the company's share price; when it rises, the economy thrives while a drop demonstrates economic instability.
  • The indicator recommends that when consumer confidence is high, individuals are bound to make big purchases like new cars, leading to a thriving economy and stock market.