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Minimum Efficient Scale (MES)

Minimum Efficient Scale (MES)

What Is Minimum Efficient Scale (MES)?

The minimum efficient scale (MES) is the absolute bottom on a cost curve at which a company can produce its product at a competitive price. At the MES point, the company can accomplish the economies of scale vital for it to contend successfully in its industry.

Understanding Minimum Efficient Scale

For companies that produce goods, it is critical to find an optimal balance between consumer demand, production volume, and the costs associated with manufacturing and conveying goods.

A scope of production costs go into laying out a minimum efficient scale, but its relationship to the size of its market — that is, the demand for the product — decides the number of contenders that can successfully operate in the market. At the end of the day, MES tries to distinguish the place where a firm can produce its goods economically enough to offer them at a competitive price in the marketplace.

In economics, the MES is the least production point that will limit the long-run average total cost (LRATC). LRATC addresses the average cost per unit of output over the long run. But recollect, all inputs are variable. MES permits a company to accomplish the most reduced cost per unit until steady returns to scale start.

Minimum Efficient Scale and Economies of Scale

The minimum efficient scale (MES) is the point at which the unit cost is at its most reduced conceivable point while the company is producing its goods successfully. MES permits a company to contend all the more really since it can produce its goods efficiently at the minimum cost per unit. MES can be accomplished through economies to scale.

Economies of Scale

Economies of scale are the point at which a company brings down the per-unit cost of production while expanding production volume. As production volumes rise, the total costs are spread out over the increased number of units produced.

Economies of scale can increase a companies productivity and profit. Be that as it may, the lower costs can likewise permit a company to pass those savings onto their customers through lower prices, improving its competitive advantage.

Internal Economies of Scale

Companies can accomplish internal economies of scale by making improvements internally. For instance, Henry Ford further developed Ford's production capacity by executing a moving assembly line. The phases of the assembly cycle were split with the goal that every worker would have a specific task.

Before the assembly line, one worker could complete the tasks, which was all inefficient since it included more skilled labor, expanding labor costs. Passage increased its production at a lower for each unit cost since it could hire unskilled labor to perform specific tasks.

A company's minimum efficient scale is the productivity level where its internal economies of scale make output that is basically as efficient and reasonable as could be expected. The MES is the point on a company's long-run average cost curve where internal economies of scale have been exhausted, and consistent returns have begun.

Outer Economies of Scale

Companies can likewise experience external economies of scale, which is the point at which an outside force works on the scale for the whole industry, such as an industry tax break. For instance, the government could pass a tax break for companies that purchase new equipment, helping all companies inside the industry.

Diseconomies of Scale

During steady returns, the U-shaped curve stays flat (see prior graph) until diseconomies of scale start and costs rise without input. As companies get bigger and develop more complex, they can experience higher costs and diseconomies of scale. This can occur while dealing with a bigger company becomes testing, leading to poor communication among employees and management, which increases the long-run average cost per unit.

Illustration of Minimum Efficient Scale

XYZ company is a producer and manufacturer of mobile gadgets and was hoping to further develop its production capacity to increase revenue while bringing down its production costs.

Internal Economies of Scale

The company chose to purchase new equipment to supplant the outdated technology and machinery. The fresher technology further developed the production volumes and speed at producing goods, reducing the long-run average cost per unit. Since the new equipment was more efficient, it used less input goods and raw materials in the production cycle.

Although the new technology required an outlay of cash, XYZ company accomplished higher profits through internal economies to scale. The company could increase its sales since the new machinery could handle higher production volumes, and the lower input costs reduced the variable costs in producing the mobile gadgets.

Due to the increase in sales and production volumes, XYZ had the option to buy the required raw materials in bulk or greater quantities at a volume discount. Buying in bulk likewise reduced the long-run average cost per unit.

Minimum Efficient Scale

Eventually, minimum efficient scale kicked in, and the new technology didn't bring down costs any further, even when production continued to rise. As a result, XYZ company accomplished steady returns to scale, meaning the savings from internal economies to scale had been exhausted.

Special Considerations

At the point when minimum efficient scale can be accomplished with a small amount of production, many companies can operate efficiently and contend in an industry, such as restaurants. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that it takes a high level of production output to accomplish minimum efficient scale, less companies can operate in the industry, such as on account of the telecommunications industry.

A sound MES comprises of numerous factors, but those factors are continually shifting. They must be recalculated frequently to mirror the changes. A business likewise needs to keep adjusting its production levels to keep raising a ruckus around town.

While surveying the minimum efficient scale, a business should keep up to date with changes in outer variables that could influence production. These can include the costs of labor, storage, and transportation; the costs of capital; the state of the opposition; customer tastes and demands; and government regulations.


  • The MES is the point on a company's long-run average cost curve where economies of scale have been exhausted, and consistent returns have begun.
  • The minimum efficient scale (MES) is the balance point at which a company can produce goods at a competitive price.
  • Achieving MES limits long-run average total cost (LRATC).
  • Many factors go into the MES, and each can change with time, driving a reevaluation of overall costs.