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Payroll Tax

Payroll Tax

What are payroll taxes?

Payroll taxes are taxes that employees and employers must pay in view of wages and tips earned and salaries paid to employees. The employee pays part of these taxes through a payroll deduction, and the employer pays the rest straightforwardly to the IRS.

More profound definition

There are four fundamental types of payroll taxes: federal income, Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment. Employees must pay Social Security and Medicare taxes through payroll deductions, and most employers likewise deduct federal income tax payments. The income tax deduction shifts, contingent upon the employee's withholding status, yet all employees pay 15.3 percent of their earnings as FICA tax. Employers pay federal unemployment tax, and the IRS unequivocally states that employers may not deduct this cost from their employees.
Dissimilar to federal income tax that goes to the government's general fund, FICA taxes fund just Social Security and Medicare program. The employee pays a 6.2 percent tax for Social Security expenses and 1.45 percent for Medicare. The employer must match the deduction and send the total amount to the IRS. Self-employed people pay 15.3 percent of their wages, which incorporates both the employer and employee portion of the tax.

Payroll taxes model

You can perceive the amount you pay in payroll taxes by taking a gander at your pay stub. Find the detail for FICA taxes, which might have one of the accompanying assignments: Social Security, Medicare, SS, SSWT, MWT, Med, FICA SS or FICA Med. The amount listed on those lines ought to rise to 7.65 percent of the gross income for the pay period.
For instance, assuming that you earned $1,000 during the pay period, your employer deducted $76.50 for payroll taxes, leaving $923.50. Your employer doubtlessly likewise deducts a percentage of your wages for income taxes as well as employee contributions to benefits, for example, wellbeing and dental plans and retirement accounts. The amount of money left over is your net income.


  • Payroll taxes are utilized for specific programs. Income taxes go into the government's general fund.
  • In the U.S., payroll taxes are utilized to fund Social Security and Medicare.
  • Payroll taxes are kept from each employee's salary and transmitted to the federal government.