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Full Costing

Full Costing

What Is Full Costing?

Full costing is a accounting method used to determine the complete end-to-end cost of producing products or services.

Understanding Full Costing

Otherwise called "full costs" or "absorption costing," it is required in most common accounting methodologies, including generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and reporting standards for income tax purposes.

While using the full costing method, all direct, fixed, and variable overhead costs are assigned to the end product.

  • Direct costs: are expenses directly connected with the manufacturing system. They can include staff wages, the costs of any raw materials utilized, and any overhead expenses, for example, batteries to run machinery.
  • Fixed costs: are fundamentally overhead expenses, for example, salaries and building leases, that remain something similar, paying little heed to how much or how minimal the company is selling. A company must pay its office rent and wages consistently, even on the off chance that it makes nothing.
  • Variable overhead costs: are the indirect expenses of operating a business that changes with manufacturing activity. For instance, when output rises extra staff might be employed to assist. This scenario would bring about the company stomaching higher variable overhead costs.

In full costing accounting, these different expenses move with the product (or service) through inventory accounts until the product is sold. The income statement will then, at that point, perceive these as expenses under costs of goods sold (COGS).

Full Costing Vs. Variable Costing

The alternative to the full costing method is known as variable or direct costing. The treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead costs, like salaries and building leases, is the primary difference between these two different accounting styles.

Companies that utilization variable costing separate these operating expenses from production costs. In short, they try to lay out the expenses incurred during the manufacturing system, independent of the ordinary costs of running a business.

Under the variable costing method, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are expensed during the period they are incurred. Conversely, the full costing approach perceives fixed manufacturing overhead costs as an expense when goods or services are sold. Choosing one method over another can sizably affect the reporting of financial statements.

In practice, neither costing method is right or wrong. A few organizations will find variable costing more effective, while others will favor full costing. The helpfulness of method selection reduces to managerial mentality, behavior, and organizational design as it connects with accurate input cost capture and valuation.

As additional businesses move to just-in-time (JIT) or related streamlined production procedures and inventory systems, in numerous ways, direct or full costing methods lose their significance, in light of the fact that less costs and expenses are tied up in production processes.

Benefits of Full Costing

Agreeable With Reporting Rules: One of the greatest benefits of full costing is that it consents to GAAP. Even on the off chance that a company chooses to involve variable costing in-house, it is required by law to involve full costing in any outside financial statements it distributes. Full costing is likewise the method that a company is required to use for calculating and filing its taxes.

Accounts for All Production Costs: Factoring in all expenses furnishes investors and management with a complete image of the amount it costs a company to make its products. Establishing the total cost per unit assists businesses with determining suitable pricing for goods and services.

Simpler to Track Profits: Full costing presents a more accurate thought of profitability than variable costing in the event that the products are all not sold during the equivalent accounting period when they are manufactured. This can be particularly important for a company that ramps up production well in advance of an anticipated seasonal increase in sales.

Inconveniences of Full Costing

Hard to Compare Product Lines: Full costing likewise has several drawbacks. For instance, taking into account all expenses, including those not directly associated with production, may make it somewhat harder for management to compare the profitability of different product lines.

Influences Efforts to Improve Operational Efficiency: Management groups using full costing will likewise find it more challenging to run cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, which is utilized to determine the number of products a company that must fabricate and sell to arrive at the point of profitability, and work on operational proficiency. Assuming fixed costs are a particularly large part of total production costs, it is challenging to determine varieties in costs that happen at different production levels.

Can Skew Profit: Another major flaw of full costing is that it might possibly misdirect investors. Fixed costs are not deducted from revenues except if the company's all's manufactured products are sold, meaning that a company's profit level can show up better than it really is during a predetermined accounting period.


  • Benefits of full costing include compliance with reporting rules and greater transparency.
  • Drawbacks include possible skewed profitability in financial statements and challenges determining varieties in costs at different production levels.
  • Full costing, or absorption costing, accounts for all costs, both fixed and variable alongside overhead, that go into a finished product.