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Price Change

Price Change

What Is a Price Change?

A price change in the stock market is a shift in the value of a security or another asset to either a higher or lower level. The term likewise refers to the difference between a stock's closing price on a trading day and its closing price on the previous trading day.

Investors and analysts watch price changes in a company's stock closely, as often this is the most visible barometer of the company's financial health.

How Price Changes Work

In spite of the fact that it very well may be computed for any length of time, the most normally cited price change in the financial media is the daily price change, which is the change in the price of a security from the previous trading day's close to the current day's close.

Equity analysts likewise ordinarily consider year-to-date, and latest year price changes when dissecting a company.

Predicting Price Changes

The price change is a core component of financial analysis. Predicting price changes can be as, while possibly not more, important than the change itself. Price change forms one of the two factors that comprise the total return from an investment over a period of time. The second factor is any dividends or distributions obtained from the investment.

When examining price changes in the market, it's important to consider "price change" in context, whether it be time frame — daily, year-to-date, and latest year price changes, or type — percentage, absolute, or net. There are numerous metrics in investment analysis that involve price change — like the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) in fundamental analysis and the rate-of-change indicator (ROC) in technical analysis.

Percentage Price Change

The percentage price change is generally the standard for computing asset performance. It is important to remember that percentage-based price changes are useful just in the context of the number of dollars at play. A 75% change in the price of a crate of cereal, for example, may just involve a few dollars while a 75% change in the price of Berkshire Hathaway may involve huge number of dollars.

Absolute Price Change

For shorter intraday periods, an absolute price change might be used by momentum and algorithmic traders as the basis for trading and arbitrage strategies.

Net Change

Net change is the difference between a prior trading period's closing price and the current trading period's closing price. At stock costs, the net change is most frequently referring to a daily time frame, so the net change can be positive or negative for the day in question.

Why Price Changes Are Important

A security's price likely is the most visible barometer of an issuer's financial health. Companies, their management, shareholders, and investment banks are some of the constituents that care about changes in securities' prices. Thus, whenever a stock's price increases or decreases, you can be sure that management teams and others, will be watching it closely. Normally, they believe that their stock should perform well because they're in the business of bringing in money. Here are some more reasons to care:

  • The stock price is often an early indicator that market participants are either happy or worried about a responsible company's prospects.
  • A company's stock price reflects investors' perception of its ability to earn and develop profits.
  • In the event that shareholders are happy and the company is getting along admirably, as reflected by its share price, the current management likely would remain with the company and receive bonuses.
  • A company likewise may be concerned with its stock price because it fears a takeover; an obtaining company could pursue a takeover on the off chance that it believes that the target company is well priced.
  • On the off chance that a company and its stock price are performing well, the company likely would receive more favorable press from analysts and the media.

Understanding the Effects of Price Changes

In the event that publicly-traded security experiences numerous price changes in a relatively short time, this could be labeled as a period of volatility. When a security's price changes positively, its value increases, and it could draw in the attention of more investors who might buy shares in the hopes of seeing higher returns. Price changes normally can include declines, in which case investors tend to sell off stock, which could negate any gains.

Company-Level Factors

Activities directly associated with companies can drive price changes in publicly traded securities. A change in executive leadership, the announcement of new strategies or products, and the positive reception of a company's products in the marketplace all could drive price increases.

In the event that a company invests considerable time and resources to create a new product line, what the product is received by customers could mean for the company's earnings. Assuming that an analyst reports that the product's sales were above target, the company's shares might see a positive price change as investors purchase more stock in response. Conversely, on the off chance that a company sees some of its products perform poorly with its customers, then the shares might fall in value.

External Factors That Can Drive Price Changes

External factors, for example, industry shifts, government regulations, or even severe weather that affects company operations can likewise influence price changes; investors and analysts weigh how those elements might influence a company's performance in the future. Examining a historic range of price changes likewise can be a method for putting into perspective the impact that particular events have had on a company's valuation.


  • Predicting price changes is one of the most critical parts of an analyst's job.
  • Price change refers to the difference between a security's closing price on a trading day and its closing price on the previous trading day.
  • A security's price likely is the most visible barometer of an issuer's financial health.