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Business Guarantee

Business Guarantee

What Is a Business Guarantee?

The term "business guarantee" alludes to credit cards in which the business itself — as opposed to its individual owners or employees — is responsible for repaying the debts incurred. Business guarantees are generally when businesses issue company credit cards to their employees.

While applying for such cards, the credit card company will initially assess the financial condition and creditworthiness of the business applying.

How Business Guarantees Work

By giving a business guarantee, the owners of a business are committing to a commitment that their corporation will be responsible for any unpaid debts incurred utilizing the business' credit cards. For instance, assuming an employee made an improper charge utilizing a company credit card, the corporation would at last be responsible for respecting that debt assuming the employee can't or reluctant to do as such.

Business guarantees are like the personal guarantees given by most cardholders. Yet while most credit cards are just utilized by a single cardholder, businesses frequently issue numerous credit cards to various owners and employees. By utilizing a business guarantee, the credit card issuer regards all charges as though they were made by the corporation itself, instead of by the individual cardholders.


Since they are not secured by specific collateral, credit cards have higher interest rates than alternative loans, for example, term loans or lines of credit. Now and again, in any case, business credit cards give alluring terms —, for example, 0% starting interest rates — to draw in new customers.

According to the viewpoint of business owners, utilizing a business guarantee can be worthwhile for two principal reasons. In the first place, it permits the company to issue credit cards to different individuals without expecting them to obtain those cards under their own names. This streamlined interaction can assist with making it more straightforward to handle expense repayments for the benefit of employees.

Second, business guarantees give a level of distance between the individual owners and the debts that their employees could cause. For instance, assuming that the business couldn't pay its debts and chosen to enter bankruptcy, the individual owners of the business would frequently not be required to repay any of its debts personally. This is on the grounds that the corporation is technically a separate legal entity as compared to its individual owners. Since the credit card debts were guaranteed by the business and not its owners, the owners would not be personally liable if the business defaults on its debts.

Real World Example of a Business Guarantee

Dorothy claims a business with 10 employees. Every now and again, she depends on her employees to make routine purchases on the business, for example, booking airline tickets or buying new office supplies.

In the past, Dorothy would ask her employees to make these purchases utilizing their own credit cards and afterward repay them utilizing the company's funds. To assist with making this cycle more efficient, nonetheless, she chose to issue company credit cards to her key staff individuals so they can make these purchases straightforwardly from the company's account.

In doing as such, Dorothy's business gave a business guarantee to the credit card issuer. This means that assuming Dorothy or her employees failed to make payments on their company credit cards, the company itself would be responsible for regarding those payments. As part of this arrangement, Dorothy needed to furnish the credit card company with financial data about her business, so they could survey the business' level of credit risk.


  • It is like the personal guarantees extended by individual cardholders.
  • A business guarantee is a commitment made by a business to respect the debts incurred under its company credit cards.
  • Business credit cards can assist companies with dealing with their expenses all the more effectively, while additionally allowing their owners to benefit from limited personal liability.