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Calendar Year

Calendar Year

What Is a Calendar Year?

A calendar year is a one-year period that starts on January 1 and ends on December 31, in view of the commonly-utilized Gregorian calendar.

For individual and corporate taxation purposes, the calendar year commonly harmonizes with the fiscal year and in this way generally contains the year's all's financial information used to ascertain income tax payable.

Figuring out a Calendar Year

The calendar year is likewise called the civil year and contains a full 365 days or 366 for a leap year. It is split into months, weeks, and days. The Gregorian calendar is the international standard and is utilized in many parts of the world to coordinate strict, social, business, personal, and administrative events.

Calendars are helpful for individuals and corporations to deal with their timetables, plan events and activities, and mark special events later on. The appearance of technology has made planning even simpler, as calendars are presently effectively open through PCs, smartphones, and other personal gadgets.

At the point when commitments are many, one can't depend on memory alone to keep things organized.

A few parts of the world utilize the standard as well as strict calendars. For instance, the Gregorian calendar was adopted in India cross country when the British colonized the country. Albeit a large portion of urban India keeps on utilizing it today, passionate Hindus in additional rural parts of the country might keep on utilizing an alternate regional, strict calendar, where the beginning and end of year dates contrast.

A calendar year for individuals and many companies is utilized as the fiscal year, or the one-year period on which their payable taxes are calculated. A few companies decide to report their taxes in light of a fiscal year. Much of the time, this period begins on April 1 and ends on March 31, and better conforms to seasonality designs or other accounting concerns applicable to their businesses.

Calendar Year versus Fiscal Year

A calendar year generally runs from January 1 to December 31. A fiscal year, on the other hand, can begin and end anytime during the year, as long as it involves a full 12 months. A company that starts its fiscal year on January 1 and ends it on December 31 works on a calendar year basis. The calendar year addresses the most common fiscal year in the business world.

Large companies, including Google's parent company Alphabet, Amazon, and Meta (formerly Facebook) utilize the calendar year as their fiscal year. Different companies choose to keep a fiscal year. Walmart and Target, for instance, have fiscal years that don't correspond with the calendar year.

Switching From a Calendar to a Fiscal Year

Individuals who file utilizing the calendar year must keep on doing so even on the off chance that they start operating a business, sole proprietorship, or become a S corporation shareholder.

You must first get endorsement from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by filing Form 1128 to switch from the calendar year reporting to fiscal year reporting for your tax filings.

Generally, the individuals who follow the calendar year for tax filings incorporate anyone who has no annual accounting period, has no books or records, and whose current tax year doesn't qualify as a fiscal year.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Calendar Year

Maybe the biggest advantage of utilizing the calendar year is simplicity. For sole owners and small businesses, tax reporting is in many cases simpler when the business' tax year coordinates with that of the business owner. Besides, while any sole proprietor or business might embrace the calendar year as its fiscal year, the IRS forces specific requirements on those businesses needing to utilize an alternate fiscal year.

One of those requirements is when tax filings are due. The IRS expects businesses to file their taxes on the fifteenth day of the third month after the end of their fiscal year. So in the event that a company's fiscal year ends on June 30, the business must file its taxes by September 15.

In certain industries, utilizing an alternate fiscal year seems OK. For instance, seasonal businesses that determine the majority of their revenue during a certain season frequently pick a fiscal year that best matches revenue to expenses.

Retailers, for example, Walmart and Target utilize a fiscal year that ends on January 31 as opposed to December 31 on the grounds that December is their most active month due to the holiday season, and they like to hold on until the holiday season ends to close out their year-end books.

Businesses that request investment dollars — whether from venture capital or crowdfunding platforms — may find it advantageous to utilize a fiscal year. For instance, on the off chance that a business gets a big investment in November or December, however doesn't start causing major expenses until February or March, utilizing a calendar year could bring about an onerous tax burden.


  • A calendar year is a one-year period between January 1 and December 31, in view of the Gregorian calendar.
  • The calendar year commonly harmonizes with the fiscal year for individual and corporate taxation.
  • Many companies utilize the calendar year as their fiscal year, while others pick an alternate beginning and end date for their year period.