Investor's wiki

Top-Down Investing

Top-Down Investing

This depicts an investing approach in which managers first glance at, say, the big picture in the economy. They then, at that point, foresee what industries or sectors are ready to do competently, and afterward they buy stocks inside those industries. A few top-down investors start with quantitative screens to pick sectors, while others adopt a more topical strategy. A model: playing the "maturing of America" subject.


  • Top-down investing centers around the macro factors of the economy, like GDP, before analyzing micro factors like specific sectors or companies.
  • Top-down can be differentiated to bottom-up investing, which focuses on the performance and fundamentals of individual companies before going to macro factors.
  • Top-down investing can assist investors with streamlining on the time and consideration they need to offer as a powerful influence for their investments, however can likewise pass up possibly beneficial individual investments.