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Articles of Incorporation

Articles of Incorporation

What Are the Articles of Incorporation?

Articles of incorporation are a set of formal documents recorded with a government body to document the creation of a corporation legally. Articles of incorporation generally contain relevant information, for example, the association's name, street address, agent for service of interaction, and the amount and type of stock to be issued.

Articles of incorporation are likewise alluded to as the "corporate charter," "articles of association," or "certificate of incorporation."

Grasping Articles of Incorporation

Numerous businesses in the U.S. what's more, Canada are formed as a corporation, which is a type of business operation that is formed in the state where the company completes its operations. To be recognized legally as a corporation, a business must incorporate by making certain strides and going with certain choices required under corporate law. One such step is filing a document known as articles of incorporation.

Articles of incorporation are in the document important to register a corporation with a state and acts as a charter to perceive the foundation of a corporation. The document frames the essential information expected to form a corporation, the governance of a corporation, and the corporate statutes in the state where the articles of incorporation are recorded.

Special Considerations

In the U.S., articles of incorporation are documented with the Office of the Secretary of State in the state where the business decides to incorporate. A few states offer better regulatory and tax conditions and, thus, attract a greater extent of firms seeking incorporation.

For instance, Delaware and Nevada attract about half of the public corporations in the U.S., in part on account of the state laws that safeguard their corporations. When laid out, the articles become a public record and give important information about the corporation.

Requirements for Articles of Incorporation

The articles in the document fluctuate by state, yet entirely the accompanying "articles" are typically included:

  1. Name of corporation
  2. Name and address of the registered agent
  3. Type of corporate structure (e.g., profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, non-stock corporation, professional corporation, and so forth.)
  4. Names and addresses of the initial board of directors
  5. Number and type of authorized shares
  6. Duration of the corporation, on the off chance that it wasn't laid out to interminably exist
  7. Name, signature, and address of the incorporator, who is the person in charge of setting up a corporation

Most states likewise require the articles to state the association's purpose, however the corporation might characterize its purpose extensively to keep up with flexibility in its operations. Amazon's certificate of incorporation, for instance, states that the corporation's purpose is "to take part in any lawful act or activity for which corporations might be organized under the General Corporation Law of Delaware."

Different provisions framed in a company's articles of incorporation might incorporate the limitation of the directors' liability, actions by stockholders without a meeting, and the authority to call special meetings of stockholders. Each state has certain mandatory provisions that must be contained in the articles of incorporation and other discretionary provisions that the company can choose whether to incorporate.

Many states charge filing fees for a business that incorporates in the state, regardless of whether the business works there. A business that is incorporated in one state and is physically found or carrying on with work in another state must register in the other state too, which includes paying that state's filing fees and taxes.

Contingent upon the state of incorporation, a company might pay filing fees going from $50 (as in Iowa, Arkansas, and Michigan) to $275 (as in Massachusetts) starting around 2020. The fees can differ contingent upon whether the articles of incorporation were recorded online or via mail.

Another key corporate document is the bylaws, which frames how the organization is to be run. Bylaws work related to the articles of incorporation to form the legal spine of the business.


  • Extensively, articles of incorporation ought to incorporate the company's name, type of corporate structure, and number and type of authorized shares.
  • Articles of incorporation are the relevant filing with a government body (typically the state) that implies the creation of a corporation.
  • In the U.S., articles of incorporation are documented with the Office of the Secretary of State where the business decides to incorporate.
  • Bylaws work related to the articles of incorporation to form the legal spine of the business.