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Exposure Trigger

Exposure Trigger

What is Exposure Trigger

Exposure Trigger is an event that makes a policyholder's insurance coverage kick in. This is one of four triggers of coverage that determines when an injury or damage covered by an insurance policy happened and whether the policy will pay for a connected claim. The exposure trigger commonly applies in lawsuits claiming materially hurt in light of the plaintiff's exposure to a hazardous substance.

Understanding Exposure Trigger

It is frequently hard to determine the specific time span when somebody was hurt by a substance and who ought to be held responsible. That is where the exposure trigger comes in. According to the International Risk Management Institute, the most common utilization of the exposure trigger is in asbestos lawsuits. In these cases, exposure is defined as whenever the plaintiff first was presented to and inhaled asbestos strands.

Asbestos Cases

Inhalation of asbestos strands can be asymptomatic for quite a long time and later reason lung disease and a long, slow, painful and premature death. Since side effects of asbestos exposure may not appear for quite a long time, it tends to be hard to lay out who is responsible for the patient's exposure.

Frequently, the person worked in a job that presented them to asbestos, and the employer or the employer's liability insurance company can be held responsible. Under the exposure trigger, liability is incurred at the date of exposure, not at the date when the injured worker first encounters side effects. The trigger is important in these cases since it specifies that the insurer which the employer utilized at the hour of exposure is responsible. Or on the other hand, in the event that no insurance was in place at the hour of exposure, the employer will need to compensate the person in question.

Classification of claims relating to asbestos exposure influences the final outcome of exposure trigger cases. For instance, cases in which exposure trigger claims connect with products distributed or manufactured by the respondent might be subject to aggregate policy imits. Notwithstanding, claims cases relating to a policyholder's operations or facility are not subject to aggregate policy limits, meaning there is no restriction to the amount of damages that can be claimed.

Exposure triggers additionally emerge in building and homeowner liability cases. If, for instance, defective building material is installed however damage isn't apparent until some other time, responsibility could be laid to the insurer of record as of the installation date, or when the damage initially starting occurring or when the claim was made.

Other Coverage Triggers

The other three types of coverage triggers are manifestation triggers, continuous triggers and injury-in-fact triggers. The manifestation trigger applies when the insured notification the damage; the continuous trigger applies when damage or injury might have more than one trigger that happens at various points on schedule; and the injury-in-fact trigger applies when the injury or damage happens. The type of trigger is important on the grounds that it influences when liability begins and how much damage an employer, insurance company or other entity might be held responsible for.

Illustration of Exposure Trigger

An illustration of exposure trigger happened in the case of Forty-Eight Insulations Inc., an Illinois-based manufacturer of excellent insulation. From 1923 to 1970, the company delivered insulation using asbestos. Workers in their plants inhaled the mineral, which can cause a wide assortment of pneumonic complexities. While the company stopped using asbestos in its products in 1970, workers who had inhaled the compound during their work hours started falling ill or died. Eventually, a spate of cases were recorded against Forty-Eight. The cases claimed that the company realized about asbestos' destructive properties yet failed to inform consumers and workers. The courts utilized exposure trigger to determine payout amounts. Eventually, Forty-Eight petitioned for financial protection in 1985.


  • They can likewise be utilized in homeowner liability cases against home builders and contractors who utilize defective or unsafe materials.
  • Exposure triggers are generally utilized in asbestos lawsuits.
  • Exposure triggers are coverage triggers for lawsuits that claim substantial damage due to plaintiff's exposure to hazardous substances.