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SEC Form 20FR12B

SEC Form 20FR12B

What Is SEC Form 20FR12B?

SEC Form 20FR12B is a regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) used to register the securities, debt or equity, of a foreign company that desires to trade on U.S. exchanges. This filing is otherwise called the Registration for a Class of Foreign Private Issues.

Information required on this form goes from U.S.- based investor relations contacts and an English translation of the company's name to the full description of the security and company.

Understanding SEC Form 20FR12B

SEC Form 20FR12B is required by Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for foreign substances that apply for a listing of debt or equity securities on a U.S. trading exchange. The filing must be thorough in scope to give sufficient exposures to U.S. investors to evaluate investment suitability and attractiveness.

An outline of the business, management, risk factors, and financial data make up the core of the filing. A U.S. investor will likewise hope to see the intended utilization of the new issue proceeds, historical financial performance, a rundown of major shareholders, compensation practices, and the structure of the Board of Directors. Articles of Incorporation, reports of independent auditors, and taxation contemplations ought to likewise be part of the filing.

Special Considerations

Investor protection agreed to U.S. investors by means of SEC Form 20FR12B for securities issued by foreign companies is gone on through required SEC Form 20-F and Form 6-K on a continuous basis.

These two filings, nonetheless, won't contain the breadth of Form 20FR12B, as this document must have insights regarding the company, the specific security being registered, and the unique parts of the security with respect to the laws of the country wherein the company is domiciled, tax treatment for U.S. investors, and capital controls, if any, that might impact U.S. investors.

SEC Form 20-F is a form issued by the SEC that must be put together by all "foreign private issuers" with listed equity shares on exchanges in the U.S. Form 20-F calls for the submission of an annual report in something like six months of the end of a company's fiscal year or on the other hand if the fiscal year-end date changes.

SEC Form 6-K is a form that foreign private issuers of securities are required to submit, compliant with stated rules in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Form 6-K, or Report of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16, and is basically a cover page for foreign issuers making filings with the SEC. Through SEC Form 6-K, a foreign private issuer gives communications and material information that is disclosed in its nation of origin, filed with and unveiled with its country's stock exchange on which its securities are traded, or conveyed to security holders.


  • Form 20FR12B is far more exhaustive than different forms required of foreign issuers.
  • Foreign companies must likewise file SEC Forms 20-F and 6-K in advance of another issue of securities.
  • SEC Form 20FR12B is required for the initial registration of a class of securities of foreign private issuers compliant with section 12(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.