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Double Barrier Option

Double Barrier Option

What Is Double Barrier Option?

A double barrier option is a type of binary, or digital option, that involves both an upper and lower trigger price put on the underlying asset.

Understanding Double Barrier Option

A double barrier option will possibly enact on the off chance that the price of the underlying contacts or closes past either trigger level, called the barriers. If either barrier price is contacted, the option either becomes substantial or invalid, depending on whether it is a knock-in or knock-out type.

In comparison, single barrier options utilize just an upper or a lower barrier, so a move the other way wouldn't trigger a knock-in or knock-out event. Barrier options can be developed as either puts or calls.

Considered a exotic option, a double barrier option is a combination of two single barrier options, with one barrier above and one barrier below the current price of the underlying. It is a wagered by the holder that the underlying asset will move essentially, in the case of a knock-in barrier option, or will move just barely, in the case of a knock-out barrier option, over the life of the contract.

Traders utilize these options when they have an opinion on volatility however not on the direction of the underlying asset's next price move. A barrier option is a type of option where the payoff and the actual presence of the option rely upon whether the underlying asset arrives at a predetermined price.

Large institutions or market makers make these options by direct understanding for the primary explanation that valuing them is a complex undertaking. For instance, a portfolio manager can involve them as a more affordable method to hedge against likely losses on a long position. The hedge would be less exorbitant than buying vanilla put options. Nonetheless, it would be imperfect since the buyer would be unprotected assuming the security price diminished below the barrier price.

Pricing relies upon all normal options metrics with the knock-in or knock-out features adding an extra aspect. European-style allows the exercise of an option just at the expiration date. A American-style option allows the holder to exercise the option whenever at the very latest expiration.

Knock-In and Knock-Out

A knock-in barrier option becomes substantial when the underlying surpasses the barrier. It then acts as some other options contract. A knock-in option has no value until the underlying arrives at the barrier price. The critical concept is assuming the underlying asset arrives at the barrier whenever during the option's life, the knock-in option is brought into active presence and will remain that way until expiration. It doesn't make any difference if the underlying moves back above, or below, the barrier a while later.

A knock-out barrier option becomes invalid, or quits existing, when the underlying contacts the barrier. Hence, it becomes worthless by then. It doesn't make any difference what the underlying price does a short time later.

Different Types of Barrier Options

Barrier options come in single and double barrier assortments, as covered previously. Single barrier options come in four assortments: down-and-in, down-and-out, up-and-in, and up-and-out, covering all prospects of single barrier and the knocking feature.

In any case, there are several others, including binary options, which pay a set amount in the event that a barrier is reached or zero in the event that it isn't reached.


  • Depending on whether the option is a knock-in or knock-out, in the event that the underlying price contacts either barrier before its expiration the option will either become active or worthless, separately.
  • A double barrier option is an exotic option whose payoff is determined given two barrier levels: an upper and a lower price.
  • Double barriers vary from ordinary barrier options in that these utilization two, instead of one, barrier levels.