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Price-to-Innovation-Adjusted Earnings

Price-to-Innovation-Adjusted Earnings

What Are Price-to-Innovation-Adjusted Earnings?

Price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings is a variation of the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) that takes a company's level of spending on research and development (R&D) into account. Research and development refers to the work a business conducts toward the innovation, presentation, and improvement of its products and procedures. Research and development expenses are a type of operating expense that can be capitalized or deducted as such on a business tax return.

Accounting standards require that R&D costs are categorized as expenses, which can reduce the book value of innovative companies in industries like software development and biotech. Research and development expenditures don't necessarily guarantee future innovative success, yet R&D spending is regarded as a urgent part of innovation and technological advancement.

Price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings is calculated by adding any expenditure on R&D back into earnings and afterward ascertaining the P/E ratio for that company.

Understanding Price-to-Innovation-Adjusted Earnings

As an example of price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings, let's assume that Company ABC, which designs and manufactures computer chips, earned $15 million in profits last year. One of its major expenditures last year was $7 million in R&D. Company ABC's 12 million outstanding shares currently trade at $15 per share.

With this data, we can calculate ABC's earnings per share (EPS) as follows:

  • $15 million \u00f7 12 million shares = $1.25

We can likewise determine that Company ABC spent this much per share on R&D:

  • $7 million \u00f7 12 million shares = $0.58

Utilizing the formula above, we can accordingly calculate Company ABC's price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings as follows:

  • $15 \u00f7 ($1.25 + $0.58) = $8.20

The price-to-innovation adjusted ratio treats R&D costs differently trying to measure a company's investment in innovation. Due to standard accounting principles, the price-to-innovation adjusted earnings ratio takes innovation expenses into account in manners market value does not.

Market value is likewise generally used to refer to the market capitalization of a publicly traded company and is obtained by multiplying the number of its outstanding shares by the current share price.

Innovative Companies

The price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings calculation is extremely useful when evaluating company performance in industries like software development, pharmaceuticals, and computers. Companies in these industries are pressured by the need to innovate.

As a matter of fact, some technology companies reinvest a critical portion of profits once more into R&D, because they consider it as an investment in their continued growth. However, accounting principles hurt these companies by driving them to deduct R&D spending from earnings. Heavy expenditures on R&D shows that a company will take risks to further its growth. This calculation permits an investor to identify these innovative companies.


  • Research and development refers to the work a business conducts toward the innovation, presentation, and improvement of its products and procedures.
  • Price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings is calculated by adding any expenditure on R&D back to earnings and afterward computing the P/E ratio for that company.
  • Price-to-innovation-adjusted earnings is a variation of the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) that takes a company's level of spending on research and development (R&D) into account.
  • Research and development expenses are a type of operating expense that can be capitalized or deducted as such on a business tax return.