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Take a Report

Take a Report

What Is Take a Report?

"Take a report" is a financial industry phrase that was commonly utilized on physical trading floors of stock exchanges before the 2010s. Utilized by a floor trader, representative, or market maker, the phrase was utilized to demonstrate the execution of a trade order and to report its details (otherwise called a fill).

Over the long haul the articulation likewise took on another (and undeniably more uncommon) implication much the same as "clear out" — meaning, "no doubt about it" "get lost."

Understanding Take a Report

Traders and other Wall Street experts have developed their own specific set of shoptalk terms that outsiders frequently don't have any idea. This pattern frequently rehashes in gatherings that share specific encounters and stressors that outsiders don't or can't appreciate. "Take a report" comes from the days while physical trading floors thrived, and the language utilized on the floor spread to other financial and investment industry stars.

"Take a report" actually conveys the official meaning that a trade order is executed, however its utilization begun to decline during the 2010s, risked by the developing automation of trade execution. Furthermore, its more everyday use as a derogatory excusal — the equivalent of "escape my face" — is subsiding too.

This recurring pattern of informal finance talk is ordinary; and like clockwork, another set of shoptalk articulations enters the trading vernacular, frequently inciting gather together articles that effectively translate the terms for their unenlightened readers. Whole books have been composed determined to inventory the most recent financial trendy expressions, like the Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms.

Frequently, these articulations have a limited shelf life — however at times they return into vogue.

The Unsophisticated Origins of Take a Report

The maxim "take a report" isn't precisely a sophisticated play on words, albeit the meaning of the phrase may not be promptly obvious when removed from a trading setting. This turns out as expected for some instances of trader dialect. As a matter of fact, the lack of complexity is a bit of a sign of trader shoptalk, given that numerous traders consider themselves to be street-brilliant and straightforward types who pride themselves more on native intelligence than on a series of accumulated degrees from elite business schools.

By comparison, the shoptalk or language associated with futures trading, as recognized from options trading, is generally more cerebral in nature. Futures trading was for a long time a way for those with a blue-collar foundation to enter the white-collar world of finance. This dynamic has in essence vanished with the rise of progressively sophisticated trading technology and the elimination of many regular positions on the trading floor.

Take a Report Goes Online

However commonly utilized around open outcry floors, take a report turned out to be even more normal — and as a matter of fact, arrived at an unusual level of reputation — beginning in 2006 when a blogger started posting on the website, No longer being used now, the website was extremely famous at the time among investment industry readers who could connect with its flippant stories, perspectives, and cuts of financial-industry life. Notwithstanding, a significant part of the crude, irreverence laden humor was considered offensive by some.

Despite the fact that's creator was anonymous, going simply by the pen name "Enormous," the reputation that the blog brought earned them an invitation to deliver the feature address at the Dallas Security Traders annual convention in 2008. Exposed, "Huge" ended up being Michael J. McCarthy, who was a Citigroup VP at that point. He found himself immediately terminated from his position as a trader, "for behavior that disregarded the company's code of conduct and policies," as Citigroup officially announced. The events raised the blog, which went on until 2009, to incredible status for a period.


  • The utilization of the phrase "take a report" used to be more normal among open-outcry trading floors where traders worked in a similar physical space.
  • The phrase is likewise a trader's demeanor of excusal, meaning "you're not kidding" "get out."
  • Take a report is a shoptalk term used to report the completed execution of a trade and its details.
  • The phrase likewise has a history associated with a once-popular blog of the very name that ran from 2006-2009.