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Electronic Payments Network (EPN)

Electronic Payments Network (EPN)

What Is the Electronic Payments Network (EPN)?

The term Electronic Payments Network (EPN) alludes to a financial clearinghouse that handles various electronic funds transfers for the private sector. It is one of the automated clearinghouses (ACHs) in the United States, alongside the Reserve Banks. Funds are transferred utilizing the EPN between accounts at something similar or different financial institutions. Instances of transfers under the EPN incorporate deposits for payroll, Social Security benefits, and tax refunds, as well as debit transfers like loan payments and insurance premiums.

Understanding the Electronic Payments Network (EPN)

The automated clearinghouse is a network that works with the electronic transfer of money starting with one account then onto the next by permitting financial institutions to execute bulk transfers electronically โ€” either credit or debit transactions. There are two systems utilized across the United States โ€” the Federal Reserve Bank and the Electronic Payments Network. Both of these systems cycle all of the ACH transactions in the country. The network was initially used to handle recurring payments however presently works with one-time debit transfers, for example, payments made via telephone and internet.

Numerous individuals and businesses favor ACH payments since they are simple, advantageous, and secure. For example, the EPN is reasonable a key part of direct payroll deposits made by most employers, saving employees from a trip to the bank to deposit their paychecks. ACH payments are additionally great for things like intermittent billing, taking into account a lot quicker processing and lower fees compared to checks and credit cards.

This is the way the system works:

  1. An originator โ€” an individual, corporation, or another entity โ€” starts a direct deposit or direct installment utilizing the ACH network.
  2. ACH passages are placed and communicated electronically instead of with a money order.
  3. The starting depository financial institution (ODFI) enters the ACH entry at the request of the originator.
  4. The ODFI aggregates payments from customers and communicates them in clumps at normal, predetermined stretches to an ACH Operator.
  5. ACH operators โ€” either the Federal Reserve or the EPN โ€” get clusters of ACH passages from the ODFI.
  6. All ACH transactions are arranged and made accessible by the operator to the getting depository financial institution (RDFI).
  7. The receiver's account is debited or credited by the RDFI, as indicated by the type of ACH entry. Just like an originator, a receiver can be an individual, business, or another entity.
  8. Each ACH credit transaction gets comfortable one to two business days. Each debit transaction gets comfortable one business day.

Credit transactions get comfortable one to two business days while debit transactions get comfortable one business day.

History of the Electronic Payments Network (EPN)

The EPN is owned and worked by The Clearing House Payments Company, a private corporation owned by probably the biggest commercial banks. This makes the EPN a bank consortium of sorts. The network was made in 1981 while the Clearing House Payments Company pioneered the utilization of an evening processing cycle to permit overnight delivery of time-basic corporate ACH debits. This system made funds accessible a whole lot earlier than any time in recent memory, supplanting the utilization of the more established depository transfer checks.

The EPN has been responsible for probably the main ACH advancements โ€” including the creation of the primary all-electronic transfer environment. This urgent creation has increased the efficiency and timeliness of business operations in all sides of the financial marketplace including the help of credit and debit transactions. As mentioned above, credit transactions incorporate things, for example, payroll, social security, tax refund, and dividend deposits while debit transactions incorporate withdrawals like loan payments, insurance premiums, mortgage payments, and utility bills.


  • The network works with bulk credit and debit transactions, for example, payroll deposits and loan payments.
  • The Electronic Payments Network is a financial clearinghouse that handles electronic funds transfers for the private sector.
  • It is utilized to handle recurring payments as well as one-time debit transfers.