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Formula Investing

Formula Investing

What Is Formula Investing?

Formula investing is a method of investing that unbendingly follows an endorsed theory or formula to determine investment policy. Formula investing can be connected with how an investor handles asset allocation, invests in funds or securities, or chooses when and how much money to invest.

Understanding Formula Investing

Formula investing takes the majority of the discretionary dynamic out of the investment cycle, which can reduce stress for investors and assist them with computerizing their strategies; investors basically follow the rules or formula and invest appropriately. A drawback of utilizing formula investing is the powerlessness to adjust to changing market conditions. For example, during a period of extreme volatility, an investor might accomplish better outcomes by making a discretionary adjustment to their investment strategy.

An investor must ensure that the formula fits with their risk tolerance, time horizon and liquidity requirements for it to be effective. Dollar-cost averaging, dividend reinvesting and stepping stools are instances of simple formula investing strategies.

Formula investing might improve on the investment cycle for unpracticed investors or the people who lack an opportunity to actively deal with their records; notwithstanding, the risk is that a formula investor can't respond sufficiently fast to changes in the market or the economy.

Formula Investing Strategies

  • Dollar-Cost Averaging: This strategy includes buying a fixed dollar amount of an investment on a set schedule, paying little heed to how the investment performs. For instance, a market participant invests $1,000 in a specific mutual fund on the primary day of the month, consistently for a year, eventually investing $12,000. Dollar-cost averaging assists with building a portfolio in a piecemeal fashion, adding small amounts of money throughout a steady time span.
  • Dividend Reinvesting: Investors might set up a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) to reinvest dividends to purchase extra stock. This strategy enjoys the benefit of compounding wealth, giving the company delivers steady dividends. For instance, an investor holds $10,000 in stock that pays an annual yield of 5%. Following a year, the investor reinvests the $500 dividend and presently has stock holdings of $10,500. Following two years, the investor reinvests the $525 dividend and has holdings of $11,025. The compounding effect go on as long as the investor keeps reinvesting dividends. This model expects the share price remained unchanged over the two-year period.
  • Stepping stools: Investors utilize this strategy for fixed-income investments, like bonds. Investors purchase a portfolio of bonds with various maturity dates. By amazing the maturity dates, the short-term bonds offset the volatility of the long-term bonds. Cash received from developing bonds is then used to buy extra bonds to keep the characterized structure.


  • Formula investing is interesting to market participants who find active investing stressful or overpowering; formula investing is structured and predictable.
  • With formula investing, a market participant follows a structured plan that determines factors, for example, asset allocation, types of securities invested in, or the amount and frequency of investments.
  • The downside to formula investing is that it doesn't leave a lot of room for an investor to make changes to conform to unexpected market or economic changes.
  • A few instances of common styles of formula investing incorporate dollar-cost averaging, dividend reinvesting and stepping stools.