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“Trumpflation”一词是指对唐纳德特朗普总统任期内通胀可能增加的担忧。 The term was used in media coverage surrounding Trump's election, by economists and other commentators.



表达这种担忧的人引用的主要政策之一是特朗普提议在 10 年内花费 1.5 万亿美元用于基础设施项目。然而,鉴于华盛顿的立法僵局以及政府完全没有提出建议,特朗普从未制定过这些政策。

The speculation over potential inflation was also driven by Trump's campaign promise that he would reduce or even eliminate the US national debt, which was just below $20 trillion prior to Trump's election.这导致人们猜测,特朗普政府可能会寻求“膨胀”国债或采取激进的削减成本措施来减少赤字。 However, in the years following Trump's election, deficits have increased considerably, with the national debt growing accordingly.



2016 年 11 月,**《华尔街日报》**报道称,从 1952 年到 1999 年,基于债务的政府支出每增加 1.70 美元,就与 1.00 美元的国内生产总值 (GDP) 增长相关。然而,到 2015 年,产生同样的 1.00 美元增长所需的债务金额已升至 4.90 美元。


Trumpflation 的真实例子

The speculation around Trumpflation that occurred around the time of Trump's election was also reflected in the financial markets themselves.在特朗普大选胜利之后的清晨,市场开始发出信号,表明较高的通货膨胀率可能即将到来。

美银美林 (BAML) 当天发布的一份声明称,美国国债通胀保值证券(TIPS) 的连续八周流入量已达到历史新高。同样,十年期国债收益率在 11 月 8 日至 11 月 10 日期间上涨了 30 个基点。结果是收益率曲线更加陡峭,引发了对未来通胀的担忧。

## 强调

  • Speculation over potential inflation was also driven by Trump's campaign promise to reduce or eliminate the US national debt, just below $20 trillion prior to Trump's election, but the Trump years actually increased the national debt considerably.

  • 对可能的特朗普通胀的担忧是基于特朗普某些政策的通胀效应,例如他提出的 1.5 万亿美元的基础设施支出计划。

  • The term began being used in the months before and after Trump's election in Nov. 2016.

  • Trumpflation是一个术语,指的是对唐纳德特朗普总统任期内通胀可能上升的担忧。