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Free ready (FOB)

Free on Board (FOB)

What Is Free ready (FOB)?

Free ready (FOB) is a shipment term used to demonstrate whether the seller or the buyer is responsible for goods that are harmed or obliterated during shipping. "FOB shipping point" or "FOB beginning" means the buyer is at risk once the seller ships the product. The purchaser pays the shipping cost from the factory and is responsible on the off chance that the goods are harmed while in transit. "FOB objective" means the seller holds the risk of loss until the goods arrive at the buyer.

Seeing Free ready (FOB)

By and large, FOB was utilized exclusively to allude to goods moved by ship — in the U.S., the term has since been expanded to incorporate a wide range of transportation. Policies including international transportation frequently contain abbreviated trade terms that depict matters like the general setting of delivery, payment, when the risk of loss shifts from the seller to the buyer, and who pays the costs of freight and insurance.

The most common international trade terms are Incoterms, which the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) distributes, yet firms that ship goods inside the U.S. must likewise stick to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Since there is more than one set of rules, and legal definitions of FOB might contrast starting with one country then onto the next, the gatherings to a contract must show which overseeing laws are being utilized for a shipment.

Any vendor-client transaction necessities to clarify FOB terms in the purchase order as these terms determine which party will pay for shipping and insurance costs. Nonetheless, worth taking note of FOB status doesn't determine ownership — ownership is determined in the bill of sale or agreement between the buyer and seller.

Assuming that the terms incorporate the phrase "FOB objective, freight collect," the seller is responsible for the goods until they are delivered, and the buyer is responsible for freight charges. Assuming the terms incorporate "FOB objective, freight prepaid," the seller is responsible for goods until delivered, if there are no insurance claims. In this scenario, the seller is responsible for the freight charges. Then again, "FOB beginning" or "FOB shipping point" shows the inverse — that the buyer is responsible for goods soon as the vendor ships the goods.

Contingent upon the FOB terms, the more frequently a company orders inventory, the seriously shipping, and insurance costs it will cause. Companies can likewise cause costs while putting in an inventory request through the price of hiring labor to empty the goods as well as the cost of leasing a warehouse to store the goods. A company can bring down its inventory costs by ordering greater amounts and decreasing the number of individual shipments it gets.

Illustration of Free ready (FOB)

Accept, for instance, that Acme Clothing produces pants and offers them to retailers like Old Navy. On the off chance that Acme ships $100,000 in pants from their factory in Los Angeles to an Old Navy store in New York City utilizing the term FOB shipping point (FOB Los Angeles), Old Navy is obligated for any loss while the goods are in transit and would purchase insurance to safeguard the shipment.

Then again, on the off chance that the goods are shipped to FOB objective (FOB New York), Acme Clothing holds the risk until the freight arrives at Old Navy's offices and would guarantee the shipment against loss.

Special Considerations

Shipping terms influence the buyer's inventory cost since inventory costs incorporate all costs to prepare the inventory available to be purchased. Utilizing a similar model, in the event that the pants were shipped utilizing FOB shipping point terms, Old Navy's inventory cost would need to incorporate the $100,000 purchase price and the cost of protecting the goods against loss during shipment.

Essentially, when Old Navy causes different costs connected with inventory, like renting a warehouse, paying for utilities, and getting the warehouse, those costs are likewise added to inventory. This accounting treatment is important in light of the fact that adding costs to inventory means the buyer doesn't quickly expense the costs and this postpone in perceiving the cost as an expense influences net income.

Another explanation companies ought to be very much in the know about free ready (FOB) terms is that FOB lays out when the goods become a asset on the buyer's balance sheet. This turns out to be especially important in the event that a transaction happens close to the transition starting with one accounting period then onto the next, like the finish of a calendar or fiscal year.

Accountants need to know whether to remember the freight for the company's balance sheet when the goods are shipped or when they are delivered. FOB objective would mean the seller conveys the inventory on their balance sheet until it's delivered. FOB shipping point means the buyer records merchandise when it's shipped.

Analysis of FOB

A 2018 study by Ki-Moon Han of the Korea Research Society for Customs takes a gander at the intricacies of FOB contracts and makes sense of that they are frequently misconstrued. As per Han, more sophisticated contracts are progressively used to address the issues of international traders.

The creator states that there is much of the time confusion in light of the fact that the gatherings associated with the contracts misjudge incoterms FOB, sales contracts, carriage contracts, and letters of credit. Han urges companies to utilize alert and to explain which type of FOB they are going into so the risks and liabilities are clear.

The most recent publication of Incoterms, Incoterms 2020, is accessible for purchase on the International Chamber of Commerce website.

Each party ought to have a firm comprehension of free ready (FOB) to guarantee a smooth transfer of goods from the vendor to the client. Whether or not that transfer happens on the domestic or international level, FOB terms can hugely affect inventory, shipping, and insurance costs.


  • Free ready (FOB) is a term used to demonstrate who is obligated for goods harmed or obliterated during shipping.
  • "FOB objective" means the seller holds the risk of loss until the goods arrive at the buyer.
  • The terms of FOB influence the buyer's inventory cost — adding liability for shipped goods increments inventory costs and decreases net income.
  • Legal definitions of FOB might vary between individual countries.
  • "FOB beginning" means the buyer is at risk once the seller ships the product.


How truly does FOB function?

FOB means "free ready" and demonstrates when liability goods are transferred from a seller to a buyer.

What is FOB pricing?

The costs associated with FOB incorporate transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, loading the goods onto the shipping vessel, freight transport, insurance, and unloading and moving the goods from the appearance port to the last objective.

What is the difference among FOB and CIF?

CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) and FOB (Free ready) are two widely utilized INCOTERM agreements. Albeit the definition of the two terms can contrast across countries and is eventually determined by every vendor-client contract, by and large, FOB transfers liability from seller to buyer when the shipment arrives at the port or other facility designated as the point of beginning. With a CIF agreement, the seller pays costs and expects liability until the goods arrive at the port of objective picked by the buyer.

Who pays freight on FOB beginning?

Assuming the terms incorporate the phrase "FOB beginning, freight collect," the buyer bears the responsibility of the goods being shipped and is responsible for freight charges. In the event that the terms incorporate "FOB beginning, freight prepaid," the buyer of goods takes on the obligation of goods at the point of beginning, and the seller pays the cost of shipping.