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Guaranteed Investment Fund (GIF)

Guaranteed Investment Fund (GIF)

What Is Guaranteed Investment Income (GIF)?

Guaranteed investment income is a type of investment product offered by insurance companies that permit clients to invest in equity, bond, or potentially index fund while giving a commitment of a predefined least value of the fund (typically, the initial investment amount) will be accessible at the fund's maturity or when the client passes on.

Insurance companies ordinarily charge up to 1% of the investment amount each year for this service.

How Guaranteed Investment Fund (GIF) Works

Some guaranteed investment income funds likewise permit individuals to reset the guaranteed amount during specific periods of time. This permits investors to lock in greater totals in the event that they cause a large capital gain.

For instance, assume an investor close to retirement age had invested $500,000 into this fund, and after a mind blowing bull run, their investment develops to $585,000 in a year. By resetting the guarantee as of now, the investor has now guaranteed that they will, in any event, receive $585,000.

Concepts of Guaranteed Investment Funds

Guaranteed investment funds, as their name shows, guarantee that all or part of the invested capital will be secure for a specific date from here on out. Also, now and again, there is the possibility of nearly guaranteed returns.

Guaranteed Maturity Date

A date in the future when the fund's all's shares are guaranteed to arrive at a specific net asset value (guaranteed net asset value). Just those shareholders that leave their investment until the maturity date will be qualified for the guarantee. On the off chance that a redemption is made before that date, there could be great losses.


An entity that focuses on giving the funds required to guarantee the investor keeps their initial investment in the event that the guaranteed investment fund doesn't perform in a manner that creates net asset value. At the point when this amount is delivered straightforwardly to the fund, then, at that point, there is an internal guarantee; in the event that the shareholder receives the amount, the guarantee is outside.

A marketing period is a period during what shares can be purchased from a guaranteed fund without paying subscription fees.

Guaranteed Fixed Yield

These accomplish more than guarantee that starting capital is secure for the guarantee's maturity date, they additionally guarantee set and foreordained returns (as stated in the brochure in terms of annual interest, APR).

Liquidity Windows

This means that a few guaranteed funds set foreordained dates when the shareholder can receive a total or partial redemption without paying redemption fees. To do this, you must respect the notice periods stated in the brochure. Given that these redemptions are finished by the net asset value on that day, the guarantee isn't applicable, and losses might be incurred.

Guaranteed Variable Yield

These just guarantee starting investments on the guarantee's maturity date. They additionally offer the option to gain returns linked to how different financial assets or indicators perform (as per complex calculation recipes). Investors must consider that on the off chance that underlying instruments don't create true to form, then, at that point, acquiring any returns is conceivable not.


  • There are many types of guaranteed investment income funds.
  • Guaranteed investment income is sold by insurance companies as an investment vehicle.
  • Guaranteed investment funds guarantee that all or part of the invested capital will be secure at a specific, designated time.